Chapter 12

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Donnie and Leo looked shocked, but Gail had her knees to her chest and her head in her knees.

Leo: why didn't you tell us this Gail

Ivy: she's doesn't like to talk about her childhood dear but I am worried about how this may affect there relationship and your bothers trust

Leo: [sighs] I understand, thank you Ivy

Ivy: [smiles] your welcome dear, but I do have to go good bye dears and good luck

Donnie, Gail, and Leo: bye

Ivy disappears and Gail, Leo and Donnie head to the subway and jump onto of the train.

We were holding onto the train until Donnie got a call.

Donnie: Oh, hey, Mikey what's up?

Mikey: Mayday, Mayday, mayday!

Gail: what's going on!

Mikey: The foot clan have the purple ooze! We need backup at the police headquarters right now!

Donnie: hang tight, Mikey we'll be right there

Leo: we're on the move

Gail, Leo and Donnie jump onto another train and head to the police headquarters.

Gail's POV
We make it to the police headquarters and i had my weapon out and in my hand. Me, Leo and Donnie bust through the glass.

Leo: Raph, what are you doing with that?

Just then I heard guns cocking.

Police 1: freeze!

We all turn around and see the cops.

Mike: shit

Police 1: Don't move! Don't move!

Raph: No, no, no

Police 2; show me your hands!

Police 3: hold it! Freeze right now!

We all freeze.

Police 1: Don't move! We will shoot!

Police 2: Get down on the ground!

Mikey: wait, we're good guys

Police 1: Get on the ground!

Raph: All right, Okay

We all raise our hands and get on our knees.

Police 4: what are those things?

Police 1: they're monsters, They're monsters!

As soon as he said that something snapped in me I felt rage and same with Mike. Me and Mike stand up.

Police: get on the ground now!

Gail: you want to see a monster?...

Me and Mike transformed into our demon forms, Mike releasing his shadow spiders, me releasing vines with thorns on them.

Mike: them we'll show you a monster

I used my vines to capture some police, Mike uses his shadow spiders to attack some police. I ran over with my weapon out and knocked one policeman's gun out of his hand and kicked him hard into the wall. April and Casey came running in and saw us.

April: Go go now!

The turtles started to run but Leo and Raph looked back at me and Mike, I gave them a look that told them to go and leave us. They were hesitant at first but they had to leave. I started breathing deeply I was using to much of my powers.

I put a hand on Mikes shoulder, he looked at me I gave him a look to stand down. He was shocked but he stood down. We both raised our hands and the police took us into custody.

The police put hand cuffs on me and Mike and took us to some cells. One of the police officers took off our hand cuffs and made us go in the cell. Me and Mike were in the same cell unfortunately, Mike was still mad at me from keeping that secret.

Gail: Hey Mike

Mike: hm? [in a mad tone]

Gail: I'm sorry for keeping that secret from you but you know I don't like to pick sides it give me anxiety

Mike: [sighs] I know but why didn't you leave with the turtles?, with your boyfriend?

Gail: what are the three promises we made?

Mike: uh... never keep secrets from each other, never give up on each other, and...

Gail: never leave each others side

Mike turned towards me and I saw a little smile on his face I smile back.

The turtles and the nature demon and dark demonWhere stories live. Discover now