Chapter 4

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The turtles were hooked up to some blood draining machine while Gail had some hand shackles and a muzzle. Gail struggles but she stops when sacks walked in.

Sacks: Oh, my wow unbelievable let me look at you I'm a hard guy to impress, but this is just [chuckling] oh, my... wow! And we were gonna use rabbits! Can you imagine that? All we were trying to do is create an antidote

Gail: [growls and snarls]

Leo: for what?

Sacks: say that again I want to hear your voice

Gail and Leo: For what!?

Sacks: wow well, uh we had this plan... a plan that we're ready to put back online today I'll show you karai, um... show them do you know my building sacks tower? Got that great big spire up on top? That spire is filled with tons of chemical toxins bad stuff that kinda bad in a few hours, shredder is going to unleash all that stuff over the whole city the initial death toll will shake world governments to their core in 30 days, the city of New York will be a quarantine zone and that is where my company comes in Im gonna save everyone with the antidote that is made from the mutagen that is oozing through your blood the government will then send sacks industy a bank check and I'm gonna be rich like stupid rich

Gail's eyes widen and start's struggling again and snarling. Sacks turns towards Gail and smiles.

Sacks: and you must be Gail, the girl with a demon in her I thought your demon was supposed to save the world?

Gail: [growls]

Leo: don't let him get to you Gail

Sack: it's the truth and your little demon friend will not come for you

Gail: [muffles] don't you bring Mike into this!?

Sacks: shredder will force this city to live under our rules we will be gods

Gail: [growls]

Gail's POV
I watch as Leo, Donnie and Mikey blood drain from them but sacks was right my demon saved the world before how can I. A tear fell from my eye until I heard something it was a crash and then a alarm went off.

Sacks: I'll take this canister to New York to withdraw the mutagen make sure that you drain all their blood time to take a bite out of the big apple

Sacks grabbed the case of the mutagen and I look towards Leo and Leo looked towards me weakly. I then hear a crash and I see Mike and Raph bust through the door

Gail: [muffle] Mike!

Mike ran over to me and undid my chains and muzzle and gave me a big hug.

Mike: I'm so glad your ok

Gail: same

Shredder: Raphael

Me and Mike look over to see the shredder we both growl.

Shredder: glad you can join us the fourth cage is for you

Raph try's running at shredder but the shedder grabs him by the throat and threw him up and Raph hits the pillars. The shredder jumps down where Raph fell.

Me and Mike run over to the edge where Raph and Shredder were. We see April and Vern walks in and saw us. Shredder hits Raph in the face.

Mike: Raphael!

Shredder: you

Raph: focus on me

Vern looked over at me and then towards the other turtles.

Three... four total turtles and two demon... ones fighting a robot samurai why not?

April runs over to the cages where the turtles are.

April: Donnie!

Shredder hits Raph in the face again and flips him over and stomps on his shell. Mike jumped down and made a loud roar at shedder. Mike charged at shredder but shredder hits Mike into a wall. I see shredder walk off and I jump down and help Mike up and he runs over to raph and kneels down next to him and cry's a little bit.

Mike: Raph please get up please

A tear falls from my eye but then I hear movement, me and Mike look and see Raph getting up. Mike smiles and hugs raph. Just then there was a loud thud behind us when I looked I saw all the turtles running around like on a sugar rush but Leo ran over to me and picked me up by the waist and spun me around.

Leo: I'm so glad your ok Gail, I love you

I blush as he said that he gently put me down and we all head outside.

The turtles and the nature demon and dark demonWhere stories live. Discover now