Chapter 1: Bob Ross

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"I think everything needs a friend. Including trees and bushes."
-Bob Ross

     I fucking hate people.

     Just people in general.

     Most judge me due to my face. I look so intimidating that many people don't even consider being next to me. And the reason I fight might add to that.

     To put it simply at least.

     I have clear-like glasses and a wolfcut hair style. My eyes are sharp and I had arched eyebrows. I looked intimidating due to my eyes and my eyebrows.

     I have no friends at school. It's also a reason why I rarely talk at school, I'm always by myself with headphones on.

     Being alone does have its perks but it gets too lonely sometimes.

     But I do my own thing and I try not to bother others. Especially the popular ones. They fucking suc-

     "Olivia!" the english teacher, Ms. Nelson says interrupting my thoughts, making me jump. 

     I stand up immediately.

     Ms. Nelson was a middle aged woman who was pretty nice but can get strict when needed.

     "You can go sit next to her." she says to the new girl.

     Well fuck. I'll just not talk.

     Maybe I'll try to not talk at all. Hopefully that makes me less scary.

     She sits down next to me and I realize that she's pretty how pretty she was.

     I gotta get new glasses..

     She was, breathtaking.

     Her face seems familiar. She has brown hair and blue eyes which complimented it, and she had a sharp jawline. It seems familiar.

     Too familiar.

     I realized she noticed I was staring at her I so looked away ASAP. I started focusing on class and I took the notes. I'm so bored..

     Once the bell rang, I stood up immediately. I couldn't wait to get out of there.

     I sat down right away, my heart beating fast. I sorted my things out while waiting for class to start, including turning my homework in-which no one else did.

     They never even do their homework.

     It's cause their all fucking dumb.

     I doodled for a bit and then class started.

      As the teacher was about to say something, the new girl rushed in.

     What's her name again?

     "I'm sorry I'm late!" she said, out of breath with her hair in her face.

     "Why are you late?" the history teacher, Mr. Goodwin said.

      He was an incredibly strict teacher and absolutely hated whenever someone was late.

     "I got lost on the way here," she said with her head down.

     I was bored as fuck. I was so bored that I decided to sketch something.

     When I turned my head up again, it seemed like someone was defending her.

     I continued sketching and noticed someone had sat next to me.

     I turned my head to my right and it was her.

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