Chapter 12: She

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     I went home late at night. Around 10 to 11 p.m.

All because of that fucker.

I look up at myself in the mirror to see the large bruise near my eye which was already turning purple.

Once I arrived home late that night, my mom laid tiredly on the couch and when I went to my room, he sat on my bed-just waiting for me.

I shook my head.

I didn't want to relive that memory again in my head.

I got dressed after taking a shower. I checked the time and at this point, I was gonna be late if I didn't leave now.

I put on foundation to hide the bruise and ran out the door with my things.

Heading straight to school, I walked fast without wasting any time.

I made it there two minutes before class started. I enjoyed being early so I knew I was on time. This was a first for me.

After putting away my stuff except the necessary things, I went to the class. Once the girl saw me, she immediately smiled and I went and sat down next to her.

"Where have you been??" she quickly asked me.

"Girl, I woke up late!"

     She laughed at me.

     "After you left, I couldn't stop playing that one game!" she exclaimed.

     Class started a while after we caught up with each other.

As usual, it passed by quickly since I paid attention. I did the work and once the bell rang, I went out to my next class with her.

     I dozed on and off. I went to the bathroom in the middle of class to fix the foundation on my bruise.

     "I'll be back." I whispered to the girl as I showed her a pad from my pocket. She gave me a thumbs up and nodded.

     I walked to the bathroom from the room.

      I went into one of the stalls and looked at myself from my phone.

     "Isn't she such a bitch?!" someone yelled as they came in.

     "She pisses me off!" someone else added.

     I looked at them through the crack and it was the bitch that bumped into me.

     "What was her name again?" she asked. "Ollie?"

     "Olivia-" someone different shared but was stopped by someone else putting her hand to her mouth.

     "Is there anyone here?"

     The main girl began opening different stall doors.

     Before she kicked mine, I slammed it open, making her fall onto the ground.

     "You bitch!" she screamed at me.

     "What are you gonna do?" I questioned as I squated down to reach her level.

     "Stay where you belong. A little bitch that knows not to mess with others."

     She put her arm into the air to hit me but I grabbed her hand before it even occured.

     She ran out of the bathroom with her crew following her behind her.

     I stood up and put on a bit more foundation before leaving the bathroom. She was nowhere to be found.

     I went back to the classroom and continued to take notes.

* * *

     "That class was so boring and felt so long. . ." I told her.

     "Agreed." she replied. "It felt longer than usual."

     We then split up and went to our lockers.

     I went to the cafeteria and sat down in our usual spot.

     A few minutes then passed and she wasn't here yet.

     Where is she?

I looked around and there she was. Getting slapped by the bitch.

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