That Fox Boy

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You ran as fast as your heart desired atop buildings, swiftly jumping to each rooftop barely making a sound.You smirk as you take a gander at the Chaos Council's Base knowing the attack that the Rebels planned would soon come to fruition. Although only a medic for the Rebels, you loved the taste of adventure and the thrill of this revolution. You may have never encountered a true battle, but that didn't scare you. Not one bit.

Your eyes begin to analyze the New Yolkers and their dead-pan expression that makes your fur stand. It must be miserable to live as a normal citizen in this corrupt city. You make your way down to the main street, the most dangerous place to be, in hopes of finding medical herbs or cloths to replenish the depleting supply at the Rebel's base.

You start to hum to yourself before getting interrupted by an Egg Enforcer, "Target Acquired. Scanning"

Panic begins to run through your system. Sadly, you weren't taught how to fight properly by Knucks or Rebel because they never anticipated that you'll be out and about all by yourself.

"Scanning complete. Error, no correlation. Return to the post please."

Unable to comply with the Egg Enforcer's command, you make a run for it. Luckily, agility has always been your greatest strength so trying to outrun the enforcers shouldn't be too hard, right? With the wind in your hair you glance back seeing that the Egg Enforcer was even closer than before! You dash through the city main streets and take sharp turns into sketchy alleyways not caring where you go as long as you can get away to safety. The citizens of New Yolk City stare at you with judging eyes. They do not move a muscle nor think positively of you currently. You take one final glance behind you, but fail to realize in time that there's a yellow fox in front of you.

All you could do was close your eyes shut to prepare for the impact, you end up rolling on top of this fox getting scuff marks and a small scratch on your left cheek until you come to the end of the alleyway. Thankfully, you couldn't hear any Egg Enforcers nearby. Suddenly, you hear a small, annoyed grunt below you. You lift yourself up slightly and open your (e/c) eyes to see the result of your accident.

A yellow fox boy with unamused, deep-blue eyes staring at you. He was a very boyish looking fox, perhaps around your age but he obviously did not want an interaction with you. A bit embarrassed by the situation, you jump up to your feet and give a half hearted laugh. Scratching the back of your head, you end up extending your hand to help out the boy.

You begin to apologize, "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to get you rollin' all over the floor." His eyes don't seem forgiving in the least bit. He doesn't end up taking your hand. Instead, he lifts himself up with the metal tails he has attached to himself. That's when you spot several cuts on his left arm. "Oh dear..." you let out a small gasp. "I can mend that for you if you'd like." You offer as you point to the two leather pouches attached to your hips.

"Idiot. Leave me alone." The irritable fox begins to walk away but you didn't like it in the least leaving someone injured. This was especially the case since he was injured due to your incompetence. "Still doesn't give you a right to call me an idiot..." you say in your head.

"What the-" the fox boy looks behind him seeing you grab onto his right wrist. You begin to urge, "Please, I can fix this. I don't like seeing people injured like this. Especially you..." your large (e/c) eyes fixed onto his. You could see he got quite uncomfortable with your statement. You get slightly embarrassed since you forgot the most important part, "BECAUSE I CAUSED IT!" you exclaim trying to prove your innocence by proclaiming it was your fault. He couldn't think it was because of any other reason, he had to know it's because you caused it.

"Fine..." The fox lowered his ears and side-eyed you. "Just because you caused it..." he adds.

"Okie dokie! Give me a sec." You reply to him. You search for somewhere your patient could be treated comfortably, but all your eyes laid on a wooden crate a few feet away. After using your weak strength to move it, and noticing the sly scoffs the fox makes towards you, you ask him to sit down so you could begin.

The silence drove you crazy as you examined his arm. "So~" you begin, "what's your name?" He glares at you before giving an answer. "...what's it to you?" Your eyes widen in disbelief. First, he calls you an idiot. Second, he scoffs at you while you try to help him. Third, he answers too rudely for your liking.

"Look boy," His ears flinched at your response. "I'm trying to apologize and help you but you're not taking any of it. And to be frank, I don't like your attitude." You ended with your nose turned away for him and in the air trying to give the best impression of someone pretentious. He sighs and mumbles, "Nine..."

"What? ...Nine what? Nine tails?" You reply obviously in relation to those metal things he has. He lightly chuckles at this response. "Nice guess. It's my name, idiot." He winced a bit afterward when you pressed harder on his arm while cleaning his wounds with an alcohol soaked cloth. "Don't be smart with me, hmph."

A bit of silence followed until Nine asked, "What about your name?" You were at the wrapping stage of the healing when you glanced above you to see him turned away with a small patch of red on his cheek.

"Oh, thought you'd never ask~" You teased playfully.

"Nevermind, I don-"

"It's (y/n)." He finally looked at you properly. You slightly pat his wrapped left arm when you looked up again to see his blue eyes staring at you.

Getting ready to finally walk away, you turned once more to have one last glance at this new acquaintance. He still looks unamused but there was a hint of a smirk on his lips, "See ya, idiot." He muttered. A little disheartened by this guy's remarks, you smile awkwardly at him, "Bye..Nine."

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