Getting Captured but At Least I Met Him

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After a few hours in hiding, Rebel and Knucks came back to tell our company the news.

"We can continue our resistance until Sonic comes back."

"This has been more troublesome than I thought."

The voices of the leaders muffled through the door deciding on our next step. Everyone, except for me, gathered in the meeting room bantering back and forth about trivial things. Although I didn't care much for this meeting, it gave me the perfect opportunity to explore the outside since no one was here guarding me.

Nine...I have to see if I can find him. Maybe they hoax the capture or something.

Searching through the disheveled city ruins was harder than I thought. There was even more security than usual. The lights of the Chaos Council Base flickered in the distance. If Nine was anywhere, it must be there even if I didn't want to believe it. I remember how I got there before so maybe I can go through the same way.

My mind did not fail me. Going through the nooks and crannies of the Egg Base vents was like a map I had vaguely studied. Yet, once I got to the most familiar part of the vent, a small cage shut around me and made me fall onto the floor below.

My ears faltered as I scanned the reddish room I landed in. The Chaos Council in the flesh sat right in front of me with that boyish yellow fox who's eyes widened upon seeing me.

"What the? A small (a/t) broke into our base?" The middle Eggman said. Dr. Deep dramatically stood up and faced his comrades, "This is the Miracle Maiden! This (a/t) was at the base when that blue hedgehog attacked!" From the corner of my eye, Nine shifts his wait anxiously staring at me.

"What's the use of having her if we need the hedgehog?" An younger Eggman on the left asked after flipping his hair. The baby blabbered afterward; I didn't understand a word he said.

"You're right Dr. Babble. Maybe she could prove useful for bribery or..." The middle aged Eggman turned his gaze to Nine. " bait." The fox kept his eyes unwavering trying not to give any hints that he knew me. The old man waved his cane, "Lock 'er up!" Then a group of Egg Enforcers lifted my cage to lead me into a room with a beautiful view of the entire city.

My stomach growled and churned.

It's been two days since they've fed me...Are they planning to starve me? Kill me? Or worse?

I leaned my ears on the bars of my cage as I kept my knees to my chest. The tears from my eyes dried up all last night. Knucks and Rebel are probably so worried right least I found Nine. Even if I hadn't talked to him since then.

The door to my room creaked open, I left my gaze on the ground.

"(Y/N)?" The familiar voice whispers across the room. My ears perk up to focus on my surroundings. My fox friend revealed himself and softly closed the door before dashing to my side. A large smile stained my face seeing my glimmer of hope.

"Nine!" I try and extend my arms outside the bar to hug Nine, "I can't believe you are actually here! With me!" With one bar in between us, we embrace warming our cheeks in the process.

"I'm glad you're alright. I didn't know what happened to you after they took you away..." His voice was faint and filled with worry. He took one hand to cup my face and planted a kiss on my forehead, "How are you doing?"

My cheeks flushed as we gazed into each other's eyes, "I'm fine...well a little hungry. But how are you? What are you doing here?"

"They want to use me to get to Sonic. Ha, they're idiots if they think I'd fall for that." The pride in his voice shone. His hands went back to something inside his jacket revealing some bread and cheese. I quickly snatched the food away, scarfing it down.

"So-Sorry, it's just been so long..." I feel his hand tenderly wipe the crumbs off my cheeks as he chuckles at me. I stare into his eyes, "I've missed you so much!" trying my best to keep the tears inside. Then I felt a flick on my forehead.

"Hey! What was that for!?"

"For being an idiot! What do you think you're doing here? It isn't safe!" The stern look in his eyes intimidated me, causing my ears to go back. "I-I wanted to see you again..." I look done feeling the heat on my cheeks grow. The fox lets out a soft sigh.

"(Y/N). They're going to find a way to get to me. If they find out we're f-friends, they'll use you and probably hurt you." He averts his eyes and lays a hand on mine.

A moment of silence encompasses us, "It's just been so long...I thought I wasn't going to see you again. What if you help me escape?"

"I can't do that. If they see you out, they'll suspect something and I already had a plan before you came..." I looked down knowing he couldn't finish his sentence, "Before I came and ruined it..." I finished it.

"(Y/N), I didn't say that."

"But you wanted just wanted to leave without saying anything..." Tears formed at the corner of my eyes. Nine pulled my left hand up and focused on it.

"This is proof I wouldn't leave you." My eyes go to the small silver ring with a slight emerald on it that wrapped around my ring finger.

The atmosphere around us changed; the ring signaled something more than friends. It was a sign of our relationship. What was our relationship?

"Nine...I have a question, but you have to answer it honestly. I want to know before you leave." I take his hands in mine leaving a tint of red on his cheeks. "What?" His voice is a bit cold with a hint of confusion in his underlying tone. My ears flattened on my head.

"D-Did you mean to give me the ring as s-something more than f-friends?" The hesitation in my voice indicated the anxiety that spread to my core. I kept my eyes focused on our hands; I flinched when he raised his voice to a whisper.

"I-I did. I kinda meant it as a confession that I liked you." He couldn't keep a straight face as he confessed to me, I probably didn't look any better either.

A slight smile appeared on my face, "I like you too..."

We both giggled at our state before my (e/c) eyes gazed into his deep blue eyes. Gradually, the silence of the room was nothing compared to how much we liked each other. He lifted his hand to cup my cheek, with his slight touch, I nuzzled my face into it.

"Can I kiss you?" The yellow fox lowered his voice as he brought our faces together. After a slight nod, our lips meet. It was sweet and amateurly done, but the warmth lingered even after we separated.

Nine got up and wiped his clothes, "I have to get going. They have me doing something right now. I don't know if I can visit you. For your safety, I probably won't do it too often. Stay strong." With his final words, the fox rushed out of the room leaving me alone with my thoughts and newfound feelings for him.

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