My Return and His Return

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"AND WHERE WERE YOU YOUNG LADY!?" I flinched at the harsh reality I find myself in. Knucks' face was red with anger and Rebel stood there with disappointment. Luckily, I've thought of the perfect excuse.

"I got lost looking for supplies in uptown." If this was a show, there would be a sweat drop showing not only my nervousness but also my fake embarrassment to try and make this seem plausible.

"For two weeks?" The two guardians asked simultaneously. I stared at them for some time before I replied, "I stayed at multiple people's homes. People that I've treated before, and they led me here little by little."

"Uptown is pretty far..." Knucks looks down with a hand on his chin. Rebel examines me and I know she's trying to find somethin' off. I had an answer for every question they threw at me though!

"And your supplies?" Rebel's eyes grow no mercy with each question she bombardes at me.

"Lost when I was running away from an Egg Enforcer."

"Your clothes?"
"I borrowed some from the friendly samaritans."

"The bag?"

"It was a gift." I almost wanted to smirk at how clever I was.

Knucks faced Rebel suggesting something, "Why don't I stay here tonight and make sure she doesn't leave tonight?" Rebel's stare was still on me but she agreed to his term.

"Why doesn't Knucks live with us anyway? He comes by every morning, lunch, and dinner!" I begin to head toward the kitchen to leave my bag next to the counter.

"Wha- What are you talking about! No I don't!"

Rebel teases him, "I never thought about how much you miss me~"

"Miss YOU? I come by to make sure BOTH OF YOU are doing fine!" Knucks may already be a red echidna, but Rebel knows just the words to make him the epitome of Being Red. I was just happy to change the subject enough to where not all the attention was focused on me.

It was already pretty late, so I was gonna head to my room when Rebel called me attention once more. "(y/n), I- We are just glad to see you back safe and sound." A smile appeared as I looked back at them, "Don't worry! I had someone like..." My eyes studied the ceiling, "like a guardian angel helping me come back." A hint of blush was on my cheek then a bid then a "goodnight" and "sweet dreams" before heading to bed.

Little did I know that Rebel recognized that look.


It was finally Friday! The past few days I was kept under surveillance 24/7 but after they saw I didn't act differently after 3 days the supervision decreased tremendously. I did zone off while I did mediocre tasks like restocking or helping with dinner, yet, to me, it was unnoticeable. The only problem I had now was that Knucks and Rebel had the day off today.

Maybe I could just say I will go get some supplies...but then Knucks would want to come along. Then Rebel would be suspicious too. But what exactly could I do to get out of here?

Once I had that last thought, an envelope passed under the door landing down into our humble abode. Knucks, on the couch, watched the envelope swiftly land but refused to get up. Rebel was still eating her snack before dinner, also being too lazy to grab it. The two did a lot so I don't blame them for leaving me doing small tasks for them.

I took the envelope from the floor and handed it to Knucks. Rebel didn't mind, I just knew that they acknowledged how both of them have authority over this house.

Knucks' eyes widen reading it and rushes to Rebel. They both hurry to gather their things and say their quick goodbyes before slamming the door behind them leaving me all alone.

A series of knocks follow after a few minutes. It was really annoying but I refused to answer in case it was something dangerous. "(y/n)?" A familiar voice asks through the door. My body heats up knowing who this could be. I bolt to the iron door and open a creak to see a yellow tail wagging.

I gradually looked up to see Nine leaning on the door frame, smirking.

"Are you trying to look cool?" I giggle and I blush way too hard.

"Cool? I was born cool." He replies, looking at the back of his hand being all smug about it.

"Whatever" I roll my eyes at him playfully. "Nine, I can't leave yet. I don't know when Knucks and Rebel will be back."

"I don't think you have to worry about that." Nine said, still looking at his nails.

"Were- were you the one that sent that letter!?" I smile as I saw him nod in response.

"You don't have to worry about it,' I said, didn't I? Come on, they'll be at the main base for quite some time." He extended his hand as he explained to me his part in this whole thing.

"Okay, I'll believe you." 

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