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I was fully aware that I was in Lala Land when Rebel and Knucks came through the door but I didn't care. Nine wanted me to come with him and... "he called me lovely today..." I whisper and bring my hands to my face, curling up in embarrassment. He would offer to take me each time we hung out for a full day, but it left me torn to decide between him and my home.

"Ahem." Knucks stood in front of me with arms crossed and his foot tapping rhythmically. I sat on the couch, still a bit aloof, "Welcome back." I smiled widely.

"Oh, I know that look." Rebel comes to view and leans her arms on Knucks' right shoulder. Knucks side-eyed her but something, or someone, caused her to focus her attention much more than usual. "Should I go?" Knucks broke the silence.

"No, stay here. You also need to be here for this." She turned to him, "For her sake."


How did it end up like this? Both Rebel and Knucks sat on one end of the table while I sat on the other end. Why does this look like an INTERVENTION!

"So, (y/n). Have you seen anyone lately?" Knucks' question came out surprisingly calm. I kept my eyes down and twiddled my fingers. "N-No." I quickly lie.

"No boys at all? Jaime, Tony, Sonic?" Heh, they did even say him. Wait, did I just-I can't like him. I lift my gaze to the two interrogators at the wrong time, "...Nine?" Knucks smirked at me because he just knew. I couldn't hide the truth when they said his name. Plain and simple, it showed that I do care about him more than...I usually care...about others.

But how did they know?

"Sweetie." Rebel sympathetically softens her eyes, "We aren't oblivious to this. I mean Knucks had been fighting his feelings for me since we met." She teased slightly but continued before a flustered Knucks could respond. "I could tell as soon as you came back from that two week trip."

"B-but! I couldn't- There's no way I like him!" I defended myself obviously falling into their trap.

"So you did see him during those two weeks?" Great. Rebel had me in a corner. I took a glance at Knucks, he was getting angrier by the minute, probably at Nine.

"Maybe, but we didn't do anything. I stayed because I wasn't fully recovered so he offered to take care of me until I got better!" I couldn't stop talking, "I did stay a little longer than I thought. I wasn't sure why...but we didn't do anything. I mean, he held my hand to calm me from the danger out here. Jeez, why did I go on and say th-"

"Enough." Knucks closed his eyes and crossed his arms, if this were a cartoon, he'd have an angry mark on him. "I'm gonna kill this kid..." he whispers.

"Did you see him today? Did you know about the series of envelopes?" Rebel slams the envelope on the table. She also seems to be getting a bit annoyed. I honestly confess that I had no idea about that, but that we did have plans. I couldn't tell them about how our days went he offered to take me with him to a new world every time.

"It's settled then." Rebel gets up causing the chair to screech. Knucks continued her sentence like they had the same mind, "One, you won't be able to see this boy anymore. Two, you'll always have an escort with you. And three, we will move to another location since now he knows where we live." I couldn't believe what I just heard! They can't stop me from seeing him! There's no way I could let that happen! Why were they so against him anyways!?

All I could muster up was, "why?" before I felt a tear fall from my cheek. Knucks face almost cracked but stayed strong not letting his weakness falter through.

Rebel walked to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, "He will hurt you, (y/n). Worse than you can ever imagine. It may not be now, or the next time you do eventually see him, but it is coming. That's for certain, especially when his pal, Sonic, comes back." Her face curled in disgust when she mentioned Sonic like he was some sorta disease.

I was told to go to my room and was locked in. They probably thought I'd go see him tonight.

And they were right.

That Fox Boy (Nine x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now