Who Knows When I'll See You Again

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Those past few days I spent with Nine didn't go to waste because I was able to learn more stealth skills from him. Well, more like criminal skills like lockpicking to be exact. I waited for my clock to display 3 am to finally initiate my plan of escape. I'll be back before they even notice I'm gone.

I quickly took a hair pin from my vanity and created a makeshift lock pick which worked like a treat! I made sure I made no noise leaving and closing the door. Then I was in the worst part of this journey, the outside streets at 3 in the morning.

The first 30 minutes were really hard to navigate through but eventually I found my way around. Most people stayed inside during this time because Egg Enforcers were heavier during the nights. The last few blocks were harder to get by, but I was lucky enough to not find myself in any trouble and now I stood at his metal door.

I put in the pin, -_-_-_-. And entered his home. Everything was off but I could care less. I crept through the workshop until I came to his room and saw a brief figure sleeping on his bed.

I nudged his shoulder a little bit before calling out to him. "Nine...?"......"Nine?"

"Neh,?" His eyes fluttered open then he screamed a little before realizing who it was.

"What the- What are you doing here!?" He sat up and grabbed my waist to sit me next to him. He examines my face before continuing, "And why are you crying?" I looked like I was a mess, I bet. I could feel how puffy my eyes were and the salt on my cheeks.

"R-rebel and K-knucks don't w-want me t-talking t-to you...anymoreaaaah!" I couldn't even finish a sentence before breaking down into his arms. He embraced me and he let me cry in his arms without saying anything until I was done.

He giggled a little at my appearance and handed me a handkerchief. "You're probably gonna need this."

"Heh, yeah huh?" I began to wipe away my tears and snot.

"(y/n), what did you want to do?" He lays his left hand on my right. I could tell even in the dark that his cheeks were burning bright like a tomato.

"I don't think I can go with you still..." A felt a flinch from his hand but I gripped it tighter.

"Why...?" His eyes filled with resentment toward this city.

"Because I still have my family here. If we win the war, we can turn this place into a paradise! We just need to-"

"Or we could create a new life somewhere else!" I know he's very passionate about this 'new world' but it's not for me.

A small light burned in the room, a small night light which lit up after a while and showed our faces to each other with no need to imagine how we look.

"I don't know when I'll see you again...to be honest. I just hope you don't forget about me, okay!" I smile lovingly at him and he laughs.

"How can I forget about you?" He says extremely quietly as he gets up and extends his hand for us to leave.


He walked me back home before it was 7 am. I let him know about my move to a new shelter and every change I'll be facing, but he said he'd find me eventually. As I tried to leave, he grasped my hand and pulled me closer. I saw him reach into his vest and pull out a simple, silver ring with an extremely small emerald stone on the top.

"Just...as a promise..." He rubbed the back of his head and blushed extremely hard.

"So a promise ring!?" I tried to exclaim as quietly as possible. I cupped my face to express my excitement. He gently grabbed my left hand and slid the ring onto my ring finger.

"I guess," He shrugs. I couldn't help but giggle at the small but genuine gesture.

I'm not sure what this means...I lie to myself.

"Forever friends?" I pulled out my pinky finger. A flash of sadness encompassed his face before he overcame it with an arrogant smile. "Hm? Yeah, I guess I could hang with you a bit more." He commented before we made our pinky promise.

I waved goodbye not knowing how long it would be until I saw him again.

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