Futures 🌄

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Brock walked to the large building nervously, Brian, Tyler, Evan, Jon and Genay by his sides. It was the 18th, and time to meet with the leaders for a negotiation.

Brian threaded his fingers through Brock's squeezing his hand lightly. Ria had done some extra work with him these last few days and while Brian was somewhat shaky, his stutter was nearly gone and he could walk for longer distances now.

They headed inside, heads held high as everyone stared at them, at Brock, with fear. Brock handed over the ID Genay and the other guards helped them get, doing some sneaking to get them made. They were authentic, and would pass any inspection, but Brock felt like they were fake IDs.

The guard looked over the IDs handed to him, face paling as he looked up at the small group. "We're here to see Dr. Jackals, Dr. Scry, Colonel Richards and Secretary of Defence Parley," Brock said smoothly, the guard nodding shakily as he gestured another guard closer.

"Take them to the meeting room," he told the other guard, Brock giving him a polite smile even as he felt a hint of anger at the look of fear the guard gave him. They were the ones with guns, why were they so worried?

"This way," he told the group and they followed him further into the building, Brock trying to keep himself from looking around curiously. He'd never been in a building like this, well, any building really outside the facility and their home.

"They're waiting for you," the guard said, opening the door and standing aside. Brock made sure to stand up tall as he entered, Brian and Jon at his sides with the other three behind him.

Dr Jackals and Dr Scry gave him even looks, bodies healed though still very scarred. Brock just looked back a moment before turning away, the anger in his stomach growing at the sight of then.

"Sirs, we thank you for having us," Brock said calmly, nodding slightly at the Secretary of Defence and Colonel. They nodded back, the military man looking at them curiously while the Secretary looked indifferent.

"Please, take a seat, may we have your names and, uh, spirits?" The Secretary asked and Brock nodded. "I'm Brock, I'm the Phoenix. This is Brian, he's a Pegasus, Evan, owl, Jon, shark and Tyler, a wild hog. This is also Genay, she's not a manifested, but a good friend and former head of security for the facility these doctors ran," he said, ignoring the dirty look the doctors threw at her.

"Nice to meet you," the Colonel said calmly, gesturing for the group to take a seat. They did so, fanning around Brock and Brian evenly. "I'm to assume you two are the leaders?"

Brian and Brock nodded, Brock saying, "In a way. The ones I have here with me are the ones who run the main show with us, but Brian and I do most of the planning. Which has fallen to me until recently because Brian was injured when we were rescuing more manifested from the facility I was forced to call home for 19 years."

"Rescue, they didn't need rescuing. They needed isolation from the rest of the normal people of the world," Dr. Jackals scoffed and Brock didn't even glance at him as he replied, "Is isolation what you're calling it? Ria was nearly beaten to death when we found her, if we hadn't healed her when we did she'd have died from internal bleeding and broken bones. All because she's a unicorn."

The two leaders gave the two doctors a frown, the latter looking unconcerned. "The unicorn is dangerous, as is every manifested. We defended ourselves," Dr. Scry said and Brock couldn't stop the scoff.

"The only manifested I've ever heard of fighting back was our badger. But that's only because they're territorial and defensive, if left alone he's a really sweet kid. The only people he'll try to injure are those who try to injure him. As is the norm for most people, correct?" He said calmly, barely masking the anger in his chest.

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