10. Courage

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"Sometimes courage bring
nothing but wave of

A man of 50-51 years old got down off his luxurious car in front of the biggest mansion in Korea, as his secretary opened the door for him. His eyes sparkled witnessing the scenery before him. He was feeling very nostalgic. A soft smile crept on his face seeing his surroundings. This thought crossed his mind. But his face instantly darkened as his eyes went to the name plate.

"Kim Tae Moo.
Choi Ha Ru.
Kim Taehyung."

"Sir, shall we head inside?" said Ed.

The man nodded lightly.

"Does he know I'm here to meet him?"

"Of course! Why wouldn’t he? After all it's you. The great Kim Seo-Jun."

"14 years huh? I've waited enough. Now I have enough time and courage to take back what's mine."

Seojun chuckled bitterly. His eyes darkened more.


In the evening. June was lost in her own thoughts standing in balcony and observing her surroundings. She was enjoying the sunset. Later on she was too focused to draw the map of the giant mansion inside her mind. It’d been few days, she was too busy to explore every corner of the mansion except the 3rd floor as that was forbidden for her. Something big was going inside her mind. So she chose to play she very calm and quiet.

She tried to avoid Taehyung her best those days. Whenever they encountered, Taehyung didn’t say anything but stared at her with different emotion.

She came out of her thoughts as her ears met honking sound of cars. Her eyes averted to the large gate of the mansion where 10 deluxe cars stopped. Around 20 men wearing professional black outfit with sunglass and bluetooth stood before and behind a luxurious car. One of them came forward and opened the door of car. A man around of 50 age with an expensive branded black suit got down. He had a cigarette between his lips and a black sunglass on. He was roaming his eyes around the place with his intimidating and dark aura. Her eyes were stuck on him. She felt bit strange with his presence. She felt like she knew him, she saw him before. But she couldn’t remember where. She kept blinking her eyes but only few black dots were seen. Her head started spinning. Closing eyes for few seconds, she became normal. But curiosity took over her mind who was the man.

June turned around with the sound of door unlocking. Cara was here with her snacks.

"Good evening, June baby. Did you sleep well at noon? And is your headache gone?", Cara flashed a smile at her.

"Good evening, Nini. Yes, I had a nice sleep and headache is also gone. Thank you", June smiled back.

"Great! Now have your snacks."

"I will. Nini, can you please come here?"

Cara nodded and went to June at balcony.

"Umm, Nini, who is that guy? And why are so much people here today?" June asked biting her lips and pointing at them.

Cara's eyes turned from soft ones to blank ones and her smile dropped.

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