Infinite Season Ep. 1 Pregnant

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Hey, baby girl. Despite what we thought on the subject of parenting at first, our minds have changed. We owe it all to you. Even though the journey to get you here wasn't exactly the easiest game to play, we are just so grateful that we won. Whenever we look at you and how far we have come, we are always taken back to the time we had you and all the stress, excitement and various emotions that went into raising you during your first year of life. This is the story of we met you.


Robin's POV

It was the third Saturday of December in the year 2013. Your daddy and I had been on a romantic week long getaway to celebrate our 7 month anniversary as a married couple. Daddy said he wanted to do something nice for me before Christmas (which I think means that it never crossed his mind get me a tangible gift for the actual day) and it was an offer I could not refuse. I kept asking him where we were going, but he wouldn't tell me until the day we had to leave. We left on the previous Sunday to board a plane. Daddy whispered something in the flight attendant's ear that was inaudible to me. I fell asleep on daddy's shoulder and woke up to find myself in Florida with him.

I couldn't believe my eyes as we got off the plane, retrieved our luggage and inhaled the fresh Florida air, stepped on the sand which was as white as snow, looked at the sky that was as blue as a Smurf, and looked at the the beautiful palm trees that surrounded us.

"Wow, Barney. This is amazing! How did you manage to pull this off?" I ask as I looked at daddy with wide eyes of amazement and disbelief.

"What can I say? The best woman in the world deserves a vacation as amazing as she is. Plus, I know a guy" daddy smiled with a wink.

Daddy and I shared a passionate kiss before we made our way to our hotel, which was called the ThunderBird Hotel.

We had an amazing time during the entire trip, it was truly a week we would never forget. We went to the beach, went for dinner and drinks, and got gorgeously tanned. But the most unforgettable part came when we arrived home.


It was right around Christmas Eve when I went to the bathroom and discovered something shocking. I had missed my period, or to be a bit more precise, my period was late. I am never late; it is a matter of pride with me. When you're older and you'll have to go through this, I'm sure it'll be similar with you. My initial thought as I was in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror was a thought I never expected to enter my mind: I might be pregnant. As I was growing up, I never thought about having kids. I especially could not imagine putting my own children through the life I had with your grandpa, Robin Charles Scherbatsky Sr. The father of my children expecting a boy but it turns out to be a girl, so he spends a little over a decade trying to make her the son he's always hoped for.

I didn't know much about babies, but I had learned a thing or two from watching your Aunt Lily and Uncle Marshall raise their kids, Marvin, Daisy and Courteney. The first time I held each of them, my life had changed as well as my view on having kids. My love for them grew even stronger when they all spent the night with daddy and me.

"Still don't think about having a baby, Robin?" Aunt Lily asked me as she burped Courteney after breastfeeding her.

"I don't know. I mean they are cute. But I don't think Barney and I are quite ready to have that discussion" I answered as I braided Daisy's growing red hair; who at this point would have been 2 and a half years old.


As I gathered my thoughts in the bathroom, I contemplated daddy's reaction. We hadn't even had the discussion about having kids yet, but I figured I couldn't hide it from him forever. Plus, it was Christmas, the season of giving and being with the people you love.

I had been in the bathroom for a long time and daddy was starting to get worried, so he knocked on the door to make sure I was okay.

"Robin, sweetie? Are you okay?" daddy asked, the concern evident in the sound of his voice after he knocked.

"I'll be out in a second. But when I do come out, we have to have a bit of a talk" I hesitantly responded.

As soon as I emerged from the bathroom and before daddy had a chance to ask if everything was alright, I took his hand and urged him to come to the bedroom because I couldn't think of a more intimate place to deliver the news that could change our lives forever.

"What's going on?" daddy asks.

"This isn't going to be easy for me to say. But you've heard it before so it might be easier than last time" I began.

"Oh, god no. We're getting divorced?! I promise I'll try to be less awesome or sacrifice my suits if you hate them so much. No, wait, I can't" daddy responded as he got down on the carpeted floor and hugged my knees in the way that Aunt Lily does to Uncle Marshall when she sees a spider in their apartment.

"No. it's not that. It's something that could change the course of our lives as we know it" I continued.

"Scherbatsky, you know I love you. But enough with the word play. Just tell me what's going on" daddy said impatiently with a tone that was almost childlike. I took it as a sign that perhaps he would handle the news better than I assumed.

My heart started to beat at a pace that I thought ceased to exist for a long time as I prepared to tell your father the life altering news. The last time I had felt this way was the first time I thought I was pregnant, but then found out that I was infertile. When I found out that I couldn't bear children, my heart sank and my life flashed before my eyes at all the times I said I didn't want children. Just then as the endocrinologist delivered the news, a baby was all I wanted.

"I think I might be pregnant" I revealed as I looked down at the floor and bit my bottom lip.

"What? Are you sure this time?" daddy asked, keeping in mind that we had gone through countless In Vitro Fertilization treatments after we received the devastating news.

"Well, I'm not a hundred percent positive because I haven't even taken a test. But I'm late and you know being late is a matter of pride with me, plus I've been feeling kind of nauseous ever since we came back from Florida and I'm pretty sure it's not the food's fault" I answered matter-of-factly.

"Okay, well we'll take a test and get you to the doctor" daddy said.

"I know we didn't even have the discussion about having kids. But everything happens for a reason right? Maybe this is the universe's way of telling us to baby up" I responded, attempted to create a clever pun out of his phrase suit up.

"We'll get through this together" daddy replied as he engaged me in a loving embrace and kissed my forehead.


Sure enough, the doctor confirmed my suspicions.

"I see you've gotten married. Finally made up your minds, yes?" the technician said in her thick Polish accent, placed a strand of stray red hair back behind her ear and tipped her glasses. She clearly remembered us from the last time. Even though she now knew we were married, I bet she still thought of us as the complex man and woman who decided to have a baby out of wedlock.

"Yes, and we're very happy" I responded.

"Wait a minute before you tell us the results" daddy said as he placed his iPhone 4s on a music dock. Daddy and I held hands and crossed our fingers, praying for good news.

"You... pregnant" the technician smiled.

Daddy and I could not have been more overjoyed. We turned on the music and danced to Baby by Justin Bieber. We both knew that this song was such a cliche, but it seemed fitting at the time. I remember your daddy had a strong dislike for the song, despite the fact that he danced to it at the very moment we were told we were pregnant. When I told him about Bieber being Canadian his exact words were "oh, now it make sense".

We decided to wait a while until we told everyone else that we were pregnant. The reason for that is we didn't want to jinx it, and the rule of thumb is to wait at least 12 weeks before you tell anyone else.

As the technician's words echoed in my mind during the cab ride home, I started to think about how everything would change. It scared me a bit, but I just kept telling myself: you're ready for this, Scherbatsky. You deserve this.

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