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Thank you for all of the questions I love the participation and I really didn't expect so many to be curious about me! I personally thought that there were only gonna be like 2 requests so I was kind of hesitant to ask for all of your questions but I'm glad I did!

Also @a-z1-e I wish your mom a happy birthday! 


(1) I found out about the owl house just by scrolling through Disney because I was bored (2) I created this story because I loved reading them and wanted to create my own! 😊


I always thought Lunter was kinda cute and then I read some fanfics, looked at some fanart, watched some edits, etc... and it really made me love it. I still love Huntlow and all that I just decided to give Lunter a place in my heart. 🩷


...uh ok? 😅 *starts writing angst*


(1) My hobbies are writing on Wattpad, reading Wattpad, watching YouTube/ tv in general, drawing (even though I suck at it), hanging out with friends, and there might be a few more things I like to do on my free time but I can't remember them right now. As you can tell, I'm not a very active person lol.  (2) I think Norway and Greece are fine places, I've never been, but they seem ok.


(1) Huntlow, but I still like Lunter (2) I just really loved the show and all the fanfics I had read and then decided since they made me so happy maybe my stories could make someone else really happy (3) uh, My physical health is pretty fine I guess but my mental health is....well it's been better; but overall it's fine. Thanks for asking! 


(1) no but I've been planning on maybe getting a dog? I actually have a fear of dogs so that's a thing but I think getting a dog would definitely help me; just gotta find the right one. (2) dude is that even a question? It's definitely Hunter (as I've mentioned in my stories a lot) but I also kin Luz a lot so she's up there in 2nd or 3rd. (3) no, who is he anyway?


I was born in California therefore I am american. I'm also Korean but I've never actually been to Korea so....yeah.

TOH GC (Mainly Huntlow)Where stories live. Discover now