The bet

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The next morning wasn't so cheerful for Zuma and Skye as the weather was much better than yesterday. Ryders' punishment completely broke their mood as now both of them needed to survive next week in different jobs, gladly, the new week was staring in 2 days, so they had time to prepare themselves for a new challenge. Chase was the first to notice the change of their vibe as the duo was having breakfast a little far away from the group.

Chase: Ryder, should we talk with them? 

Ryder: Yeah, good idea. I also feel that they're quite not here with us after yesterday.

Chase: Alright. Skye, Zuma, come here!

Rocky: Don't act like you feel our disguise towards you, we definitely don't.

Zuma: Right, sorry. I feel quite off.

Skye: Same.

Then Zuma and Skye came up to other pups with their bowls in their mouths before the Labrador got a pat on his shoulder from his best friend and the German Shepherd gave a hug of comfort for his girlfriend.

Zuma: Just... can I sit away from Skye? I don't want to sit near her for now.

The Cockapoo gasped from such expression as Chase sighed and so did the Mixed Breed - it surely was very hard to move on from recent events on the last mission.

Chase: I know that both of you are in little hardship towards each other but it doesn't mean you should avoid each other.

Zuma: No worries, bud. It won't last too long, I actually have one idea and that's when I need our dudette.

Chase: I hope you'll come up with this soon.

Zuma: Yep, sure.

Chase: Phew, ok then.

Zuma gave a small smile before continuing his breakfast as Skye broke the hug and also started eating again after thanking Chase for comforting her. Ryder winked towards Police and Recycling pups as a sign for doing a great job in communication before going to the elevator.

10 minutes later

Pups were playing with the ball except Zuma, who was still thinking about his idea, his friends already noticed that their friend wasn't acting like usual - he'd definitely join them in their game. Then Marshall offered to come to him and ask if he wants to join and Chase agreed with this idea, so the Dalmatian quickly went to the Labrador, who was sitting under the tree, being deep in his thoughts.

Marshall: Hey! Wanna join us?

Zuma: Mmm, not sure.

Marshall: Come on... it's not so fun without you.

Zuma: Please, I still feel like an idiot after this agruement! 

Marshall: Dude, we all act like that sometimes! Remember my argument with Chase as I tried to help him with confessing to Skye, not knowing what exactly he needed?

Zuma: This situation is very different.

Marshall: Still, me and Chase are cool after this! And should be ok about that with Skye too! Count it as a new challenge for both of you.

Zuma: New challenge... Marshall!! You're a genius! Call Skye, please!!

Marshall: Hmm, ok.

Few moments later, the Cockapoo came up to Zuma as he let her sit down beside him.

Skye: So what happened?

Zuma: I want to make a bet!

Skye: Really? Let me guess, it's about our job swap?

Zuma: Exactly! I bet that I may have more successful missions without complaining than you.

Skye: Zuma, I had enough before.

Zuma: Then you'll have to go on 'date' with me for whole day!

Skye: You're playing with fire... fine! But if you'll lose, you must dance under song "Chase and Skye are sitting under the tree..." every morning!!

Such wish caused the Labrador to gulp heavily as it sounded so embarrassing, but like Marshall said: "It's a new challenge for both of you". So Zuma smiled and shook his paw with Skyes'.

Zuma: Deal... and sorry for being a little rough on you this morning.

Skye: It's fine. I felt the same today.

Now the bet has been made, bets are closed. The challenge is about to go underway!

CHAPTER DONE!! Hope you will like it! See you soon and stay safe <3

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