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Gregory groaned as he landed on the ball pit. He stood up and looked around warily before calling out to the girl who was looking up the tower expectantly.

Just then, a sound akin to a rooster's morning call was heard throughout the daycare. Gregory looked up at the tower and found a strange yellow animatronic.

" Hooo! Hooo! Hooo! ", It yelled before diving straight at the ball pit. Gregory stepped away, expecting some kind of attack while (Y/N) excitedly looked around in the ball pit.

Gregory stopped himself from screaming when the yellow animatronic popped up from the ballpoint in front of his face. (Y/N) ran to their position, occasionally tripping from the balls.

" Hello! New friend! You're sure up late! Are we having a slumber party? Where are all your friends? ", It said loudly as it grabbed him and carried him around. (Y/N), who was still pitifully trying to catch up from the two finally let out a groan of annoyance as she once again stepped over a ball and slipped. The yellow animatronic looked away from Gregory and looked at the direction of the sound. " Oh? Oooooh! Look who it is! ", It yelled once more as it finally dropped him and made his way over to her.

" (Y/N)!!! It's good that you joined us tonight! ", It said as it carried her and threw her up the air before catching her. " Sun! ", (Y/N) yelled back.

' Oh. So it's a sun animatronic? Looks more like an egg to me. ", Gregory thought to himself.

" What are you two doing here so late? Oh! Oh! I know! We can finger paint, tell stories drink Fizzy Fuz until our heads ex-PLODE and stay up all night! ", Sun danced around with (Y/N) in his arms as he said this. " There is only one rule. Keep the lights on. ON. On. ", He added as he finally stopped dancing around and looked at them in what feels like a stern gaze.

" Lights on! Got it! ", (Y/N) answered cheerfully. Sun only got more energetic at her response and gave her a long hug. " Good. Good Child! "

Sun snapped his attention back to the wary boy. " Hey. Hey, are you having fun yet? Are ya? Are ya? ", He asked expectantly.

Gregory only huffed in annoyance at the loudness of the animatronic and the girl he's supposed to be watching over before kicking the blue barrels to keep the attendant busy.

Sun immediately went hysterical and put (Y/N) down before putting the barrels in place. " No, no, no, no! What a mess! Oh, which was the bottom? Where is the top? Clean up! Clean up! ", He screamed in an even louder voice. (Y/N) looked at Gregory in confusion before looking at the mess he made and then looking back at him. " Why did you do that? That's just rude! Don't you have any manners? ", She asked in a scolding voice. " Distraction. ", was all he said before walking away.

(Y/N) can only sigh before picking up some barrels and helping Sun neatly put them in their place. " Oh, thank you, (Y/N)! Thank you! ", Sun said.

Gregory ignored the two, deeming the animatronic safe for her for now. He explored the daycare for a bit before spotting the counter. He then walked towards it to investigate the place. Suddenly, hurried light footsteps followed him before his right hand was grabbed. He turned around and found (Y/N) with a panicked look.

" D-don't go there! You might accidentally touch some stuffs! ", She said in between breaths, already tired from just running from a very short distance to him. Now that piqued his interest. There should be something worthy to find there.

Gregory ignored her warnings and yanked his hand back before continuing to walk towards the counter. " H-hey! ", (Y/N) called back as she followed him while saying protests.

Just as he was just a few steps away from it, Gregory flinched in surprise when Sun's face suddenly appeared in view and carried him by his right long arms with (Y/N) on the other. Sun quietly carried the two of them back to the barrels.

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