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Glamrock Freddy

A similar feeling of emptiness took over him. If it was even possible, considering he's nothing but a piece of metal, plastic, and wires put together. But the feeling was still illogically there.

It was the same feeling he felt when he found out about Bonnie's disappearance. Back then, he was able to confirm whether or not his friend had actually been removed from their little group of animatronics. One of the megaplex's workers was kind enough to tell him Bonnie's state.

" He's beyond repairing. I'm afraid he won't be coming back. "

Those words made him feel something other than joy.

And now, it's happening all over again.

But unlike Bonnie, Freddy doesn't even know if the little girl is still breathing out there.

Is she alive? Did she and Gregory really split up? Did those two have a fight? She's probably scared right now.

If she's even alive.

Freddy knew that the little girl's survival rate is low the first five minutes of knowing her. She tripped at almost everything, has a very low stamina, gets injured very easily, and has very little knowledge of the world.

But Freddy ignored it. He ignored those weaknesses because he thought that Gregory could make up for those. He thought that Gregory could protect her better than him because they're both humans. But now, did he make the wrong judgement of letting the little girl go along with the little boy?

It's not like he dislikes Gregory for the little girl's disappearance. He's not even disappointed. Well, maybe he is a little disappointed on the boy. But Freddy was the one who basically threw the little girl to his arms, right?

Of only he took the little girl by his side instead of pushing the responsibility to Gregory, then maybe she would be safe at this moment. Clinging to his hand whenever she's not clinging onto Gregory's. Maybe even sleeping inside his hatch.

It's not only that.

He's also disappointed in his self for his biased attention towards Gregory. He didn't even notice it at first until he started thinking about her when he found no sight of her after Gregory's return. It was only then that he noticed the lack of memories with her. Scrolling through his memories, he can always notice her, standing awkwardly behind him and Gregory as they talked. Looking away whenever the two had a moment of joy.

If it matters, he feels the need to protect the little girl grow even more after her disappearance.

If he ever finds her again, he won't let her leave his side. At least by that way, she won't be in danger again. She can stay inside his hatch anytime she wants to while he takes care of everything. He feels the need to just take her in his arms and hold her forever.

But how would that be possible if she's not around?

And now, Freddy stands by himself. Completely alone. He volunteered to help Gregory, but the boy was firm in his decision in going alone, saying he's already used to it which made the guilt grow even bigger.



His hands are bleeding.

He noticed it, but dismissed it.

He's been acting reckless for a while now. But he needs to. He has to do anything just to get her off of his mind.

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