The children ran towards the poor animatronic. The girl immediately started to fuss over him, asking him what happened and if he's hurt.
" Freddy! Are you okay? ", Gregory asked. Freddy seemed to relax at the boy's voice. " There you are! I was so worried! I waited and waited for you. I missed the hourly recharge and have been trying to get down to Parts and Service. I think something is wrong. ", Freddy said, voice stuttering and form twitching so fast it looked like he's glitching.
Gregory looked panicked at this.
" Is there anything I can do? ", He asked as he leaned down to Freddy to get a clearer look of him.
" Yeah! We'll do what we can to help you, Freddy! Just tell us what you need! ", (Y/N) said.
" Help me get to parts and service. ", Freddy answered, eyes solely focused on Gregory's worried face. " Of course I will! How do we get there? ", Gregory said in determination.
" It is down under the main stage. Normally, the stage lift- ". The boy and the animatronic continued to converse on what to do while the little girl with them stood behind, seemingly unnoticed.
Her furrowed brows and frown only deepened as time went on. She has never ever felt this stupid in her entire life.
She couldn't understand what most of their conversation means. Only understanding that they need to go somewhere.
The words used were to heavy for her.
She hates this. She hates feeling dumb.
And the fact that she wasn't getting involved in their talk was making her feel even worse.
Back then, she didn't even have to try to make her Father proud or notice her. Just a sigh from her would immediately gain his attention. Even all of her nonsense were quickly understood by her Father.
She has never truly felt this alone.
And her friend, he would never make her feel left out. Even though it was only just the two of them when they're together, he has never done anything that makes her feel excluded.
Whenever he read things from books in their attic that were difficult for her to understand, he would always explain them for her patiently. Whenever he tells her about how awesome life outside home is, he never forgets to add that simple sentence.
" Don't be sad or jealous though. I'll definitely bring you with me someday. I'll bring you to multiple places! We will always have something fun to do! "
(Y/N) looked at the two in front of her. The near animatronic that awfully reminded her so much of her father. The boy, though there was nothing similar between him and her friend from home, she still felt the same way with him as she did back then.
The two of them looked at each other like how a father and his child would look in those photo books that her Father gave her. Her presence unnoticed.
She suddenly understood what that one word meant.
She felt jealous.
" Hey! "
The little girl snapped out of her thoughts at the call. She looked at her side to find Gregory looking at her impatiently. " Why are you dozing off in a situation like this? Did you even understand what we were talking about earlier? ", He asked, voice annoyed.
The girl merely remained silent.
A few seconds passed, and after the boy realized that the girl wasn't making any attempt on speaking, he just sighed. " Let's go now. We have a job to do. ", He said, walking off.

Newborn Mind | Security Breach Child! Reader
FanficThe Pizza Plex has always been a huge place, Y/n knew this from the moment she stepped in this place. But she never felt as small as she does right now in her whole life, with no one around to help her. Only the cruel entity in front of her, it's sm...