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Raven attempted to get a hold of a branch, a twig, anything that would stop her falling but she simply managed to slow landing on a brough that knock her breath out of her lungs before she slit and her hands lost grip again.

She collapses on her back the small air she had managed to keep in, leaves. She growls and throws her arms forward to regain her footing but a pair of glacial hands wrap around her neck pulling her against the tree trunk blocking her.

"I Almost feel sorry for you, because once I put-" his green eyes stopped and for a single second, they tremble. As if he wasn't ready to behold the sight before him. They briefly go sideways; the movement is barely there but Raven catches it. he takes in her leather pants, the barefoot but mostly, her ravenous pitch-black hair. An unruly cloud of curls.

Attached to a very feminine countenance.

"A girl." The soldiers behind him begun to whisper. Baylor's laugh is the only sound for a while as the prince traced his burning glare from his soldier to the girl in his grip.

"I can't believe you have been tricked for eight years by a girl. Oh, For Merya, wait when I'll tell your father about this." Baylor doesn't seem to stop when the prince's nose literally curled in a disgusted snarl.

A hoot breaks the stare glare between Raven and the Prince and her fogged eyes search for her friend.

"No." she mutters but the hand on her throat tightens and she is forced to suffocate the rest of the sentence.

"Where is the dragon?"

Is a simple question and the answer is just as simple.

"I would I know? I'm here with you, aren't I?"

"Feisty." Baylor chants. The prince doesn't seem as impressed when his thumb pushes under her chin, lifting it up.

Gasps follow everywhere and Raven knows this must be it. she is going to die.

"A slave." He spits but his grip doesn't tighten this time. She watches many things fly all over his eyes before he quickly moves back. As if he was disgusted to touch her.

Because he feels so much above her that the sole thought of soiling if princely skin with her traitor's body, makes him sick.

"Tie her up, we're taking her to the palace this instant."

Nobody moves. The prince begun to climb so he could retrieve his sword but not my hood which he is very careful not to get in contact with before making his way down again.

"She's a slave."

"And?" his feet land perfectly in position before sheathing his weapon.

"She must be executed." A younger soldier cuts in. "The law states..."

"I'm very aware of what the law says, soldier Ermins or have you forgotten who you're talking to?"

One single glare, and the soldier immediately steps back, head low.

"I'm sorry your highness."

He waves him off before turning to look at me.

"Fine if you don't wish to do it, I'll do it myself."

Raven is fast, but not enough because her wrists are pulled behind the lower of her back and she crushed against the trunk. The wood scratching her cheek as she attempts to get him off.

"We have to question her about the dragon and she has to answer to me for these past eight years. Then, we can execute her. but make no mistake." He's rough ad the knot he makes almost blocks the blood from flowing in her hands. "It will be my sword that meets her neck, nobody's else's."

Raven scoffs but doesn't dare to answer the threat. Not because she's scared but because the pure challenging smirk she offers him, causes the prince to snarl in disgust as if she had just it right home and made him even more angry.

Raven gloated.

"You will behave or I will kill that stupid bird of ill omen you seem to like so much."

He pushed her forward and she begun to follow but not before saying: "You can try."

Raven is forced to follow by foot while everybody is on horseback, her head low but her steps quick. to the young soldier it could seem as if her spirit had been broken by their prince and he had the upper hand. But Baylor knew better. He had seen countless man with the same glare as her, the same determination. He knew she was simply valuing her options. She was constantly thinking about escaping.

Only a fool would believe otherwise as she barely rose her face from time to time to memorize the path, they were taking her. If Baylor wanted to keep his prince happy, he would suggest they blindfold her so she wouldn't be able to flee, but it had been some time since he had a little fun and the young prince needed a lesson. He simply stood by, waiting for the game to begin.

She was going to be a tough one, no doubt.

Baylor rubbed his hands together, catching the prince's eyes.

"What?" he inquires, his tone blank but his eyes flames of green.

"Nothing, it's getting a little chill. I simply can't wait to see what winter has in store this year."

The prince's stare moved forward but Baylor could swore that the young prince had checked his peripheral vision to see if she was following stil..

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