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Raven's hands flinched as she opened her eyes for the scream that had waken her up.

"My, my." Zed blurted fixing himself up and taking Raven with him. they were still in the bathtub but the water had been completely drained and dried out, at its place, countless pillows were pressed against Zed's back and all around the porcelain so that if Raven had by accident moved in her sleep, she wouldn't get hurt. Raven's whole body, that was covered in Zed's shirt, seemed to react but she couldn't follow it because Zed's half opened lashes were aiming at something by the bathroom entrance.

"Your majesty, your grace. I was told milady was here by Lady Lena and so I thought I could sneak in and come and see her even if Lady Lena was clear on the fact that milady was retired from public eyes because of her convalescence."

Raven was blinking so hard Zed had to shake her to have her wake up.

"Lela." She crawled out of the tub with insane speed as she threw her arms around her friend squeezing hard. She didn't care she was naked, here she didn't need to.

"I'm so happy you're okay."

"My sister evidently send you to get on my nerve, today."

"My apology your majesty. I didn't think milady had visit." The words died in her mouth when Zed had stepped out of the tub. Raven's whole countenance flashed as she lunched to Zed, to cover his crotch with her body.

"You can go, Lela. I'll see you at breakfast." The girl nodded and rushed out as if someone was chasing after her.

When they were alone again, Raven let her shoulders fall. She massaged her forehead and looked up to find a very amused Zed. His entire face had enlightened with his smile as he looked down on Raven's astonished expression.

"Someone is a little jealous to share?" he inquired and Raven jumped back shaking her head as if nothing was on.

"Nonsense, I just didn't want Lela to feel embarrassed."

"And why would she? Am I not beautiful to look at?" Raven opened her mouth to protest but there he was making his way toward her and there wasn't much to argue. He was breathtaking, naked like marble. She swallowed and shut her lips together.

"that's beside the point."

Raven moved past him and inside her room. She was stomping her feet as she threw his shirt back at him and searched for her leather pants and corset.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going out."

"On my dragon?" Raven turned to snap but he was simply amused by her attitude. she was clearly overreacting.

"If she will want to take me, yes. On your dragon. Or are you opposing, your majesty?"

Zed had dashed toward her and cupped her cheek gently so he wouldn't hurt her but enough so she would need to rise on her toes.

"You will call me with my name, Ravenna. Or we're going to have a problem."

Raven evil grin took over as she lowered her head barely and repeated with a slowness that was almost theatrical.

"As you wish, your majesty."

He bared her teeth at Raven as if he was actually impressed for her nerves and let her go. Raven put the boots on her feet and was walking outside before Zed spoke.

"You are making a fuss for nothing. It's not like Lela has never seen me without clothes, she has been here a while." Words died on his lips as he saw the bewildered reaction on raven's wide eye-gaze.

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