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"There's no need for you to walk in the actual villager with me."

"After the last time, I do not trust you anymore." retorted Araxys cockily trotting behind Raven.

"It was a minor error of judgment, could happen to anyone."

"It happened to you and I wasn't there to stop it, now you get your scary dragon privileges." Raven smiled; it was something Ami had said once.

"I sense like a thunderstorm is about to hit your mind, what is it hatchling?"

"My powers. I cannot feel them anymore."

"I told you, you just simply need time."

"It's like that time Zed cut you off from me. It's the same exact feeling only when I lost you, I just felt heartbroken, now I feel..."


"Helpless." Araxys hummed as he walked next to her.

"You have always been fearless, hatchling. You got closer to me than humans have in hundreds of years. And you did it all alone with just a rope, to help me. You're courageous and strong. And I choose you regardless of the fact that you'd become powerful or wield my fire. Because you shine of your own light and it as blinding as the most reckless of the blazes."

"I can't fight his shadow without my powers." Raven pointed out as they entered the village, people gasped, others run away.

"You don't need to fight him. You already won him over."

Raven was doubtful. She didn't tell Araxys that every time she thought about lowering her guard, she felt as if she was being disloyal to herself. She really couldn't bring herself to trust him and she couldn't understand why.

The prince was waiting for Raven at the bakery. He had made Talula bring tea and her favorite pastries. Raven sat next to him, he had managed to had the entire place all for himself. They talked, at first it was awkward then they the prince asked question about the forest and how she had managed to survived so long.

"I admit the first time I understood I've been chasing after a girl my whole life, it kind of was a hard blow for me."

"Well, I guess the fact that you never caught me must have really hurt your ego."

"But I did catch you."

"After how many years?" Raven sipped her tea smiling.


The prince laid one hand over Raven's knee as he stood, Raven remained perfectly still as he went of his own free will to Madame Talula and paid what they had just consumed and gave her a little extra for the trouble. When his eyes found Raven's, she was looking at him almost adoringly.

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

Raven shook her head and followed him outside.

They spend the day together, strolling in the village. After the tea, raven had gotten sleepy and he walk with him at the little stream she had used once to wash herself and let her sleep with her head over his shoulder as he held her gently.

From that day, for the rest of the week, he would take her new places, especially if they had extravagant animals and let Raven be herself. it was the first week she actually enjoyed being with him. but then, she had to go and ruin everything. Because that's what Raven did, destroy what was good.

And so, the day before the wedding, The prince had put her to sleep, moved her hair to the side and kissed her forehead. Before he locked the door behind him, Raven was already gone in this odd dream made of colors that made her dizzy every time when she woke from it.

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