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Beside the Duane cottage, just an hour away, rested another house.

The small, dark cottage stood as a silent enigma. Its timeworn facade, draped in creeping vines, whispered secrets of ages past.

The thatched roof, weathered and sagging, cast shadows over the solitary windows, shrouding the interior in an impenetrable mystery.

The house was owned, by none other than the Geljo family, themselves.

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"Papa, have you heard? Sir Duane has bought home his daughter" Tsireya whispered in excitement, as she walks into the drawing room, where her father was sat in a comfortable chair, his skilled hands gracefully working with colorful yarn.

Bathed in the soft glow of the dancing flames, he devotedly crafted a crochet blanket, each stitch weaving a tale of love and devotion for his wife.

"Tsireya, we are not to speak in such ways about Sir Duane and his family" Her father replied, without looking up at her, concentrated on getting his crochet done right.

"But Papa, it is Dalia's daughter!" Tsireya placed herself in a chair, on the opposite side of her father, "Dalia, who is possibly one of the darkest witches to come across!"

"Then there is only one thing you must do" Her father looks up from his crochet, at his pleading daughter who really wished he'd continue this conversation with her, "you must stay away."

"But why?" Tsireya whines, "it is fun is it not?"

"To play around with someone who is related to such darkness? I hardly doubt it. We have enough on our plate, we do not need any more trouble than what your brother brings us" Her father responds.

Tonowari Geljo. The owner of the house, the husband to Ronal Geljo, and their two adopted children, Ao'nung and Tsireya.

Tonowari was a respected man, in his early years. Born, and grew up to be just like his father; working his way through finding cures and medicines.

Becoming a doctor. It was a speciality that was held within the Geljo family line.

Until one night, where his life did not only take such a turn, but he had fell completely in love, with a woman.


That night changed not only for him, but for her too.

Being a new born vampire, Ronal had become what people would refer to as a ripper.

A vampire who has not yet developed their strength, and will die without a second if they are not given even an ounce of blood.

That night, Tonowari and a friend of his, had decided to visit the theatre, a performance of 'Hamlet' being shown, written by none other than William Shakespeare.

That night, he had not realised he had been sat beside a vampire.

To him, she was merely just a stranger. Like any other woman, that was sat in that theatre that night, Tonowari did not take much notice.

Memory In My VeinsWhere stories live. Discover now