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✧ ˚ · .

"So, brother. You spent quite some time with her, what do you think?" Tsireya asks Ao'nung.

The two of them sat in the drawing room, where Ao'nung seemed to be quite busy doodling into his notebook, and Tsireya, who had occupied herself to some fresh pastries.

"What is there to think?" Ao'nung asks. 

"Is she as dangerous as everyone makes her out to be?" Tsireya asks.

"I can not possibly tell, only meeting her for one day. Although I do suppose some tendencies are there. I mean, the idea to talk to a Malachai, itself, is dangerous" Ao'nung responds.

"Hmm, or maybe Malachai is a kind man to just her. They are both witches after all" Tsireya shrugs. 

"Has everyone lost their minds?" Ao'nung looks up in disgust, "in what sense is that man kind? If anything, he is a bad influence and I would not be surprised to find something wrong, the more that she accompanies him."

"You are not jealous are you?" Tsireya whispers as she leans forward.

"What are you rambling on about?" Ao'nung denies her accusations.

"Your response seems rather bitter. And the last time I remember, you and Malachai had been friends with one another" Tsireya points out, "so what is with the hostility now?"

"There is no hostility" Ao'nung looks away, and back at his book, "I simply state the truth. He may be a friend to us, but he certainly is not a friend to her."

"Or.. you are just jealous" Tsireya teases him.

"Will you cut that out!" Ao'nung sits up, ready to walk out, yet his sister stills follows him.

"So it is true? You are jealous!" She chuckles, "do you perhaps take a liking to her?"

"A liking to who?" They hear their mother Ronal, causing them both to turn around.

She smiles as she walks in, supplements ready for dinner, "who has Ao'nung taken a liking to?"

"No one. Tsireya is just reading across lines" Ao'nung slams his journal shut, and lets out a huff as he walks away.

"Or, he is in denial" she whispers with a smirk.

"What was that?" Ronal asks.

"Oh nothing" Tsireya shook her head, "let me help with dinner Mama."

She skips herself into the kitchen, behind Ronal, as they ready a dinner for the family.

✧ ˚ · .

"How long do you think they'd go on for?" Lei'wa asks Rotxo.

"I'm not sure. The longest has been half a day" Rotxo chuckles in response.

The two of them sat at the dinner table, whilst Mr Duane and Esther seemed to be occupied.

"So, what do you think of my friends?" Rotxo asks.

"They are... nice" Lei'wa contemplates on whether or not to let Rotxo know about what had happened between her and Ao'nung, but she knew that her brother would do nothing other than tease her.

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