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~Your POV~

I've started to build a house in this frozen tundra land just to the back of Techno's. It's been an interesting few days, adjusting to my new routine of life; I sleep for an extra 30 minutes, I don't have to clip my armor on at first light, and I actually get to have a slow morning. I've definitely gotten back into my fiddle playing, I've relearned all of my repertoire and I'm starting to learn a new piece with a few more in mind.

I get up and look through my very limited wardrobe for some clothes and not just the jumpsuit that goes under my armor. I end up with a white shirt and some black pants, I toss my hair up in a way that it stays out of my face and go to get my morning tea. The one thing that hasn't changed has been me preparing the kettle, since I get to it first. The counter is lined with small tea cabinets with everyone's name on the top, Techno made me one yesterday and it holds all of my teas perfectly. I grab my book that I'm almost done with and read as I wait for the kettle to boil. I flip the last few pages as the kettle starts to whistle and turn to see Techno preparing the cups. I shut my book and jump up from my spot.

"I've got it, (y/n)." Techno says with a small smile, "Did you finish your book?"

"I finally did." I say proudly.

"How long would it take you to finish a book when you with the DreamTeam?" Techno asks as he covers the teas.

"About 2 months." I say as I look at my book, "Took me a month and a half to finish this one."

"I noticed that when we all had dinner you were about half way through."

"Yea, these past few days I've been able to plow right through it." I say, "It's what I know I can do while I adjust to the new slowness."

"That and your fiddle." Techno says, "You're a fast learner."

"Well everything that I've been doing is what I already knew, so it was a matter of 'relearning' and shaking off the rust." I say with a small shrug, "Do you play anything?"

"I pay violin, but classical style." he says.

"That actually makes a lot of sense. My mother made me take classical guitar when I was very young, but my teacher warmed us up with some fiddle tunes since they can be so fast." I say.

"Do you still have your guitar?" Techno asks, his interest peaked.

"No, god, that was over 15 years ago now." I say realizing just how old I am.

"There's a piece that I know called Cafe 1930, and it has a guitar part."

"That title sounds familiar..." I say as I can hear the notes E, B, and C play in my head. I start to hum the noodle that it's in my head. Techno joins in, "I do know that piece! I was the only one in my class who could play it!"

"I think Phil has a guitar, but I don't think it's the right kind."

"It'll still work, the theory is the same." I say a I go to check my tea, it's perfect. Techno check his and we both move to the sofa where we drink our morning tea and continue our discussion about books and music until it's time for breakfast. Techno makes an amazing breakfast and I clean up after we're done eating. I bundle up so I can continue building my house. I go to my mess of shulkers and chests and grab the materials to continue with the walls and get a start on the roof.

:Time Skip:

The sun is starting to go down and I've completed the walls and roof of my new house. I take a look at the bare bones of my house and decide to call it a night as I think about a fire place and chimney design. I take inventory of my stone and I've got more options than I need and mark where I want the base and fire place to go before going back to Techno's house. Go up to the door and hear a violin, I quietly open the door and see Techno playing the melody to Scarborough Fair. I take my gloves off to grab my violin that sitting on an end table and play the harmonizing part until Techno turns around with a look of realization.

"I knew I wasn't playing like that by myself." he says.

"I wandering how long it would take for you to notice." I say.

"What time is it?" he asks as he goes to the window to see that it's almost dark, "Holy shit." I can't help but laugh a little bit and then take the rest of my layers off, "The house is looking amazing by the way."

"Thanks. I'm gonna work on the basement and put in some windows tomorrow, and possibly put in the storage space."

"We can help you if you want." Techno says.

"Oh, I've got it." I say taking off my boots, "I'm anal about some of this stuff."

"Well we're always here if you want the help."

"Thank you." I say with a smile.

~Dream's POV~

We've been searching for where (y/n) could have gone and there's only so much nether one can travel with out any bridges or a staircase.

"Damn it!" I yell as I look at the biggest map we've got, "Where could they have gone?"

"More than likely with Technoblade." Sap says.

"Well no shit Sherlock." I say, "They've gotta go somewhere at some point since (y/n) has almost no clothes other than a few pants and shirts and the layer that went under their armor."

"There only one girl in the entire group and she had pink, puffy hair." Sap says, "I'll be shes gonna take (y/n) to get some more clothes some point soon."

"Or they're gonna strike here." George says, "They've already burned the office down, and (y/n) knows where this place is."

I get an idea, "That's a fair assumption. That settles it then, we wait for them here and we can set up camp here in some of the new houses we've just built. But we will need to be ready at a moments notice for whenever they come."


annnnnnnd done

BYE <3

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