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~Your POV~

I just spent the first night in my new house and it was probably the best sleep I've ever gotten. I go about my morning and start the kettle for my tea. I sit down to read a new book that I picked up from the market the other day when I went with Puffy. I hear the kettle start to boil and prepare my tea. I feel like something is missing though. I cover my mug and look out my kitchen window towards the seemingly endless snow as my tea steeps. There's a nagging silence and I pop in a disk, Cat. I check my tea and go over to the living room where I try to decide what I want for breakfast from my limited supply.

That's what I'm missing, Techno.

When I first met him I never imagined that I would be here. It was just meant to be a thing to stop the development of The Hall. I'm not one for change, but this was a change that I would take over and over again. The DreamTeam was so toxic, controlling, and they were all just using me to protect Dream. Here, I feel so free and safe to do and be who I want. Now as I settle into my new morning routine, I'm missing the person who made this new life so. 

*knock knock*

I look out the window and see a familiar red cloak. I practically run to the door and greet Techno.

"I didn't know if you had any food or not, but I made you breakfast." he says with a plate in his hand.

"Oh thank you. I was trying to decide what I wanted for breakfast today anyways." I say taking the plate, "Do you wanna come inside?"

"Sure." Techno says stepping through into the house and putting his cloak on the rack. He looks around, "I love this."

"Thank you." I say grabbing a fork and taking a bite of the very familiar breakfast. Techno looks at all the detailing of the walls and sees my violin on the wall.

"You still playing?"

"Yes I'm playing everyday now, once again perfecting everything I knew." I say, "I do have several pieces in mind that I want to learn."

"Oooo, care to share?"

"Queen's Polka, Brian Boru's March, and The Emigration Tunes." I say.

"I think I know Queen's, I haven't heard of the other two though." Techno says.

"They're beautiful, some of my favorites to listen to." I say as I finish my breakfast.

"We'll have to listen when we have dinner at Phil's." Techno says, "After we get done with eating we all sit around and have a jam session."

"Oh that sounds lovely." I say. I start to reminisce about the last time I played with people, it was right before the DreamTeam was formed. I can see Techno take a breath like he was about to say something but then backs out, "Everything ok?"

"Yes, I have a question and I'm trying to think of a way to tactfully ask it."

"You don't have to filter with me, Techno." I say a I take the plate to the sink to be washed.

"Do you feel like you're welcome?" Techno asks, with a bit of hesitation.

"In what way?" I ask confused, going to the sofa to sit with him.

"I'm not sure." He says as he puts a hand on his chin, "It's just... I get a feeling that you were treated more like a pawn (if that's even the right word I'm looking for), with the DreamTeam instead of a valued friend and ally. I just want to make sure that you feel like you can come to any of us at anytime with anything."

"You would be correct in that assumption, I was nothing more than a piece on the chess board that was Dream's game and yes, I do feel welcome." I say, "I have never felt more welcome in fact. I'm not just an object of use, I'm a person and someone who is valued for who they are and not for what they can do."

~Technoblade's POV~

"Good. Because we've all really grown to care for you." I say, I get a tightening feeling in my chest, almost butterflies in my stomach. I push my feelings down and can see them processing what I just said. It's clear they're not used to be treated right.

"Thank you. I owe all of you so much." they say.

"You don't owe us a thing, (y/n)."

"Are you sure?" They ask, I can hear a bit of confusion.

"Yes, I'm sure." I say with a smile, "If anything I will be the one repaying you."

"Tenfold?" They ask with a smile, remembering what I said.

"Tenfold." I say, "And if they do anything to you, I will return that a thousand times over."

"Thank you, truly."

"It's nothing, we're glad to have you." I say with a smile, they stifle a giggle.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" they ask.

"Of course I would." I say. They get up to make it and I start to lay out my agenda for the day in my head.

"What are you thinking on so hard over there?" They ask, pulling me out of my thoughts as the let the tea steep.

"Just what I'm gonna do today."

"Ooh, pray tell." they say as they sit back down.

"I'm going with Ranboo and Phil to look at The Hall and what progress has been made." I say, "You're welcome to come along, if you want."

"They're likely working by now..." They say and now we're both thinking. There's another knock on my door, I go to open it and Phil is at the door with Ranboo, "Good morning!"

"Good morning." Phil says. 

"Come on in, would yall like some tea?" (y/n) asks

"Yes please." Phil says.


"Please." they say shyly. (y/n) goes to make some the tea and we all discuss the plan for today.

"I know that they're expecting us there any day now, but I have no idea the layout of any interior." (y/n) says.

"We won't need interior, we'll just break the buildings and get the villagers out and then burn it all. And then we'll rebuild it the right way."

"That's why I'm here, is so I can remove the blocks quietly." Ranboo says, "Also Tubbo really wants to paint your house."

"That settles it then, we'll gauge progress and then break them all out in a few days." I say. We all agree and enjoy the rest of our morning together in (y/n)'s new house.


on to the next one

BYE <3

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