chapter 3- Don't pick a fight with me

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Two weeks came and went as all students went to their respective classrooms. The two weeks also marked the end of Brooke's suspension, so today was technically her first day of attending the Shinobi geared class courses.

Everyone gossiped amongst themselves as Brooke entered the room. She ignored them and settled between Shikadai and Liz.

"That's her. how come she wasn't punished after doing something like that?" A girl started whispering to her friends.

" know....." One of her friends replied.

"That wasn't just a prank." The group of girls continued to gossip.

"If it had plunged into town, it would have been a disaster."

"Shh! She can hear you!" One boy warned them.

Liz glared at the girls and was about to respond to them, But Brooke touched her shoulder and shook her head.

"Don't pay attention to them." Shikadai intervened.

"I'm not." Brooke assured. "They can say whatever they want."

"Well, okay then." He said.

Brooke then looked at Shikadai's textbook. "Oh! I forgot my textbook!" she said, scratching the back of her head.

Shikadai raised an eyebrow at that. "This is your first day!"

"Share your book with me, Shikadai." Brooke said and was about to take his textbook when Shikadai stopped her.

"What a drag. No way..."

"C'mon, don't say that." Brooke leaned in to take the book but Shikadai blocked her face with his elbow.

As they continue to fight, three girls sitting in a row not far from them started talking about them.

"That Brooke sure stands out." Sumire stated.

"Really?" ChoCho said nonchalantly as she does her nails. "Aren't people paying attention to her only because of that ridiculous stunt she pulled?"

"You know her, don't you Sarada?" ChoCho asked without looking up from her nails.

"Our parents are friends, that's all." Sarada replied.

"So, you're saying.. you're childhood friends?" ChoCho finally looked up at her friend.

"I wouldn't call us that." Sarada said in annoyance. "In fact, I kinda find it annoying being stuck together with her."

ChoCho let out a tired sigh. "I don't blame you. Her dad's so cool though."

"Lord Naruto, the hokage..." Sumire commented softly.

"Harsh experiences in life polish a man." ChoCho said dreamily.

"Following in the Hokage's footsteps, I see, huh?" A blond boy with green eyes said out loud as he walked down towards the front, hands in his pockets.

"H-Hey, Inojin!" Sumire exclaimed nervously at his words.

Once he was in front of the classroom, he stopped.

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