Chpter 6- Dinner

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The next day.

"I'm home!" Brooke called out as she walked into the house, Mitsuki behind her.

"Welcome home, honey." her mother greeted her back from the kitchen.

"Big sister!" Neji cheerfully greeted her as he ran to hug her.

'Is it her brother? he looks a lot like her...' Mitsuki thought as he observed the little boy.

Mitsuki tensed a bit when he saw Neji glancing at him with looks that filled with curiosity.

"Wow, big sister actually brought home a friend!"

"Hey! You make it sound like it is very unusual." Brooke said.

Neji chuckled. "Because it is!" he teased, earning an annoyed look from his sister.

Brooke then sighed. She lost that fight before it even started. "Anyway, this is Mitsuki, my classmate."

"Hello!" Neji waved cheerfully at him, making the gesture he made look completely adorable.

"And Mitsuki, this is my little brother, Neji." Brooke said as she stroked Neji head. Her little brother was named after their mother's cousin.

"Nice to meet you." Mitsuki said as he gave him a closed eye smile.

"So, you do have friends besides Shikadai." Neji started teasing again.

"Huh!! Well, well. I see someone woke up to their funny side today. In this case, there is no choice but to fight back." Brooke started tickling his stomach.

"Ha! Stop it!" Neji said between giggles, trying to get away from her.

"Never!" Brooke yelled as she ran to grab him.

'Neji seems to share a lot of similarities not only in appearance but also in personality with Brooke..' Mitsuki thought as he watched the interaction between Brooke and her brother as he followed them into the kitchen.

"Guys, please respect our guest." Hinata scolded gently as she noticed her children entering the kitchen teasing each other.

"Ah! sorry, mom." Brooke apologized as she released Neji from her grip.

"OH! what is this feast?! mom." Brooke then asked as her eyes fell on the food that was sitting on the counter.

"You said you are bringing a friend, so I went all out." Hinata said with a soft smile.

"It's embarrassing don't go overboard, okay, mom? Just do what you usually do." Brooke said.

Hinata just giggled a little at her daughter's reaction before turning her attention to their guest. "Anyway, we'll be moving to the table soon, Mitsuki."

The boy just nodded in response.

"And Brooke," Hinata looked at her daughter. "Dad's coming back early today. It's been a long time since that happened."

"He's coming back?" Brooke exclaimed in surprise.

"Yup, daddy's joining us too." Neji confirmed.

"Really? Ha, well." Brooke said as she tried to look nonchalant.

Hinata and Neji gave each other a knowing smile.

Brooke has always tried to appear nonchalant about everything related to her father because he has been absent from her life a lot lately. But those who know her, know very well that it's all a show. Brooke Uzmaki loved her dad.

"You don't want him around, Brooke?" Mitsuki asked.

Brooke was caught off guard."It's not that." she waved her hands dismissively. "Anyway, let me show you around."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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