Chapter 4- An admirer or a stalker?

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It had been about a month since the new girl, Brooke, had started the Ninja Academy.

Recently, Metal found himself glancing her way. He was fond of her, really. Her strength, her smile, and even her habit of reinforcing her statements with 'you know.' Of course, her shainy blonde hair was also something he adored.

Metal would talk to her if it weren't for the fact that she didn't know about his existence. Even though he was sitting just two rows from her, he never managed to exchange a single word with her.

"Are you alright, Metal?" Iwabe asked him, which snapped Metal out of his thoughts.

"HAhaa!" The boy let out a small startled chuckle, earning a confused look from his classmate.

"Y-Yes!...I'm fine." Metal then assured, waving his hand hysterically.

Iwabe didn't look very convinced, but he lets it slide. "Okay." The boy returned to looking at the board.

Metal let out a small sigh of relief before he too went back to listening to Shino's lesson.

Not even five minutes of fully listening to Shino's lesson, Metal decided to give up, and he sighed again as he placed his hand on his cheek with his elbow resting on the desk.

It was too hard to concentrate when the only thing on his mind was Brooke.


It was in a cold evening when Brooke visited with her friends the nearby theatre to watch the new Kagemasa movie after another long day at the academy.

"The new movie was quite good, but the first one is still my favorite," Iwabe said after them leaving the theatre.

"How Kagemasa used his Ninjutsu to defeat the evil gangster was really amazing," Liz remarked.

Brooke smiled at her two friends as they continued to review the movie. She and Liz became very close to Iwabe after the whole story that happened at the academy. Iwabe was actually a really nice guy once you got to know him.

"Well, in my opinion, it wasn't bad and good, but pretty mediocre, but I have to leave now, or my mom would punish me for being outside of home for too long," Brooke said.

"It's pretty dark now. Do you want us to accompany you?" Iwabe asked.

Brooke chuckled, a little mockingly. "Thanks, but this isn't the first time I walk home alone, you know." She winked at him teasingly.

Iwabe looked away, blushing a little, chuckling. "I know."

Liz giggled.

"But," Brooke then tilted her head to the side dumbly. "Why don't you accompany Liz?" she suggested.

Liz blinked in surprise. This offer caught her off guard.

"Sure," Iwabe replied before Liz was given a chance to respond.

"Hm?..okay." Liz went along.

"Alright, then. see you tomorrow, guys!"

"Bye Brooke!" Iwabe and Liz said in chorus before the blonde girl ran home.


Brooke walked home while thinking of her father, who must still be stuck in his office. 'Stupid old man.'

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