The Greatest Films of All Time

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Okay this chapter probably isn't that huge of a revelation and I'm sure gaylors have already discussed this somewhere else on the internet, but since I can't stop thinking about gaylor-related anything, I'm going to write about Taylor Swift's potential "failed coming out" in 2019 during the Lover era. I assume that if you are reading this you are already familiar with Taylor Swift and gaylor theory, but I apologize if my thoughts are not coherent. Also, if you are someone that has also been reading my swiftgron timeline story/fanfic, I apologize for not updating for a long time. There are currently just other pieces of Gaylor lore I am really hyper fixated on recently and that hyperfixation has to do with lyrical analysis that isn't necessarily tied to any specific muses. But I love swiftgron so I will hopefully get back into that soon. Also I'm sure there are only like 10 people legitimately reading this, but I have some quick thoughts about fanfics.

I am of course an internet lurker and I saw some people upset over a kaylor fanfic that discussed like drug overdose and some potentially other triggering content and while I understand people wanting to say "Taylor is a real person" and that they feel a desire to defend her because of a parasocial relationship that she also participates it's a fanfic. And I mean I am not even the biggest kaylor fan, but I am sure that person who wrote the story included warnings about the content. People write real person fanfic like this all the time it seems, but I guess it is an interesting conversation to have about where to "draw the line" when it comes to real person fanfic. But I don't know, it's my personal opinion that most extremely wealthy celebrities don't really care when it comes to FAN fiction. I get them being upset over big news outlets discussing their lives/fabricating their lives but hello...celebrities also participate in the fabrication of their lives. Again, you can always disagree with me, and this is just a place for me to share anonymous Taylor Swift / pop culture takes sometimes, but I think people get a little too heated over certain topics. Like as long as that person included some warnings, I really don't think it should be as sensationalized as I saw it being on Twitter/X. Fanfiction is FICTION and it is also an outlet for us peasants to sometimes escape from our own realities. Like I'm sorry but I don't feel *that* bad for billionaires who probably don't even have a clue fanfiction is written about them. Trust, I love Taylor and her music, but sometimes these fandoms are just too much for me with some of their takes and bending over backwards to defend the woman. Honestly again fine if you disagree with my take and I'll actually get into gaylor theory now that I've been intrigued by for the last few weeks. And I'm sure I'll also offend some people. I guess, in a way, that is just part of a culture that is chronically online.

Okay Gaylor theory now lol.... If you are someone that is actually reading this, I really applaud you because it probably feels a bit like whiplash or something. Also this is just me also participating in silly parasocial relationships and behavior, but I hope you are taking care of yourself.

This lyrical analysis has to do with the aftermath of Taylor's "Miss Americana" documentary which I now believe was originally supposed to be a coming out documentary. Now knowing gaylor theory, when she first introduced the love interest in the documentary, it just seems really suspicious. I understand her relationship during this period (whether with Joe Alwyn or not) was a private one, but I find it strange that Joe is still in the documentary in one clip but the majority of the time the love interest is faceless. Like no face or discernible figure throughout the whole film until she runs up to Joe after the reputation concert/tour. Also, even if she was with Joe—which I don't deny is possible—I still think this was meant to be a coming out documentary and I truly believe that is reflected in her music in 2020 after the documentary came out.

If you have no context about the failed coming out theory, I will say that everything happened around the Lover era in 2019 and Taylor was just flagging queerness a lot, and there is a rumor that a designer named Christian Siriano made a rainbow dress for her that she was meant to come out in. However, from my understanding, the same day this event was supposed to occur where she was going to wear the dress is the day she found out about her masters being sold to Scooter Braun (June 30th). Also this dress theory/rumor has pretty much been confirmed by Christian Siriano in a now deleted TikTok where he is sipping tea as someone explains the theory about the dress. I also think this is the same summer she was finishing working on filming Miss Americana. I am not sure exactly how timelines work for film and media, but if Miss Americana was released in the beginning of 2020, it would make sense to me that Taylor would kind of end filming the summer before, then editing would occur while she is also planning for other projects and events towards the end of 2019 (like the announcement for a Lover album tour possibly). I think she could have first written evermore in either 2019 or 2020 but something about her first writing it in 2019 makes more sense to me based on the timeline of lyrics.

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