This Is Me Trying

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Okay this is super lame but I made a PowerPoint about Taylor's failed coming out (back in 2019) to present to some of my friends and family, and like, yeah, they sat and listened to it, but sometimes I was kind of triggered for real to be honest. I know they don't have that great of knowledge about queerness or queer history, but I sometimes just feel really upset by how far people go to erase queerness. Like some of my points were literally about queer history and people were just not following or they literally felt like they had to argue everything I said to justify her heterosexuality. Like I just felt really invalidated idk. And I really am kind of mad at Taylor Swift for her cowardliness and obsession with money and owning her I get artist should be able to own their music blah blah blah...but it also pisses me off the way she privileges money and ownership over a lot more important things. Even outside of queerness, she could have so much more of an impact on the world, but right now, she chooses not to speak up about anything honestly and she just plays it safe. Idk I might have to jump off the Taylor Swift train. I don't want to have to literally be defending my own queerness and queer history because I am trying to also defend the queerness of a white billionaire woman who can sing.

It just really frustrates me that people don't see flagging as a valid form of queerness and choose to actively ignore all the queer flagging Taylor does. Like idk it's like no one actually cared what I said during my presentation, but they just wanted to wait until I was done talking after each slide so they could argue without even listening or truly giving me a chance to explain. I know it's stupid to care so much but I seriously felt like I was being attacked by the audience.

Also like I am the queer person so maybe listen to the queer person about queer history and queer flagging? God it's so stupid and I know it's even lamer to rant in a fanfic but like I was really excited to present it because I felt like it was really convincing too and then by the end of it, I just shut down. Like I actually put time into this and everything just felt completely invalidated.

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