Can We Just Get A Pause?

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Ok I am done being a little bitch about straight people not recognizing patterns or queer flagging so back to my analysis for the girlies that matter (the queers). I am going to continue some lyrical analysis about the potential failed coming out in 2019 and my own interpretation about the situation and music. Also, I promise I will be better about updating my swiftgron timeline (FICTIONAL) story. The updates still won't be quick, but they should be quicker than a month now.

Okay, I ended my last evermore lyrical analysis at the first time the chorus plays. So now we are on to:

"Hey December
Guess I'm feeling unmoored
Can't remember
What I used to fight for"

Now THIS is why I don't think she wrote the song in 2020. Again, I have no idea how most media timelines work, but evermore was released so early in December of 2020, so I'm assuming the album would be put together before December of 2020, right? UNLESS, if she wrote it all in 2020, she is greeting the upcoming month like "hey December" lol. That makes sense to me too. She's silly like that. But considering she is probably finishing up putting Miss Americana together in December of 2019, I like thinking she wrote most of evermore in 2019 after the potential failed explicit coming out.

"Guess I'm feeling unmoored
Can't remember
What I used to fight for" is again so depressing and such devastating lyrics for a rich white (supposedly straight) woman to write. She is insecure and confused and definitely upset about something. This whole song (in the beginning right now) feels so hopeless.

"I rewind the tape but all it does is pause
On the very moment all was lost
Sending signals
To be double crossed"

Again, more very specific film references. I'm sorry, but what do people who don't subscribe to gaylor theory actually think she is referencing?Until I found gaylor, folklore and evermore were such confusing albums for me. They are probably my favorite Taylor albums, even before gaylor, but I really was not listening to or analyzing the music. Now that I am, gaylor is the Taylor Swift theory that just makes the most sense to me.

So, here she is rewinding (presumably) Miss Americana, and I just rewatched Miss Americana, but I am curious about what specific scene she could be talking about. Could it even have something to do with Joe? Or another muse? Maybe. I think it has more to do with her sitting at that window and talking to the camera and person behind the camera, though.

"Sending signals
To be double crossed" I'm assuming (of course) is about coming out, the masters heist, and Hollywood/the industry in general.

Again, people have probably already done all of these analyses somewhere else, but now that I am deep in the trenches of gaylorism, I want to contribute some interpretations of my own...that people may have done years ago lol but I just came into the theory this year soooo let me have fun please. Also, I know there are different interpretations (that's art, luvs) but I am just writing what makes the most sense to me.

Okay back to chorus:

"And I was catching my breath
Barefoot in the wildest winter
Catching my death
And I couldn't be sure
I had a feeling so peculiar
That this pain would be for

Interestingly, she changes the second line to "barefoot in the wildest winter" instead of "Staring out an open window." I know the girl likes feet, but was she barefoot in those scenes in Miss Americana? Also, the vibe of where she was reading her old diary entries really does look like a cabin. Was it? There is also so much cabin/woods imagery in this song, and that does appear a few times in Miss Americana so...just something I'm realizing as I write this. There is a lot of like cold winter in the woods imagery in this song and the evermore album in general.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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