The Flight

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            Was all I heard blasting through my ears, as I got up I asked myself why they decided to create Alarm clocks. It was currently 8:30 am and I had a good 2hours to kill before my flight. So I decided to take a nice long shower & I washed my awfully dirty hair. After I got out the shower i got like a million & one texts and calls from my friends saying how much they were gonna miss me. I decided to reply with the usual "awwwww I'm gonna miss you too" when in all reality I don't think I'll miss them AT ALL. My naturally curly hair was still soppy and wet from my shower so I decided to get dressed I put on a white crop top, a button down mesh jersey that had 'breezy' in big letters on the back(i dont think i ever mentioned my name is Briana Aqua but my friends call me "bri-breezy"), some black leggings & my hightop vans. It decided I would do my makeup i decided to do a light makeup look by just putting on some eyeliner on my waterline and winging it out, adding some mascara, and some lip balm. it was already 9:45 and i was crazy hungry, but i mean im always hungry so what difference did it even make i started laughing out loud to myself my father came downstairs to the kitchen where i was dying of laughter and asked "bri whats so funny? fill me in" while slightly chuckling. "nothing pops just me being a retarded seagull as always".

i couldn't decide whether i wanted regular honey nut cheerios or if i wanted the frosted cheerios so me being me i mixed the two in a bowl and downed it with milk. i decided to check my social medias and noticed that my twitter was blowing up turns out i finally hit 200,000 subscribers on youtube and everyone was tweeting me and congratulating me i quickly tweeted "200k ? omg you guys are the best. love you all so freakin much <3" my little brother Colin decided to finally wake up from his slumber at about 10:00 we had to leave our house in about 15 minutes if we wanted to get to the airport in time so my dad told me to load the truck with our suitcases. i grab my suitcases and as soon as i open the door i'm greeted by my 2 best friends Shania and Lauren and my ex-boyfriend Dylan holding a big sign that read "bye breezyyyy were gonna miss you so much we love you soo much" as much as i thought i wasn't upset about leaving...all.the waterworks got turned on and i broke into a million tears. i just realized that ill never actually be back to hug these even stop by their house and tell them about my day or eat all their food in their house. i asked my dad if they could drive with us to the airport. Of course he agreed and we all piled into the car and started driving to the airport. Fifth Harmony's "worth it" featuring kid ink came on and we all lost our shit. "GIVE IT TO ME IM WORTH IT ! BABY IM WORTH IT ! UH HUH IM WORTH IT !" we shouted at the top of our lungs in the car surely giving my father a headache. 

We finally arrived at the airport and lauren being the emotional wreck she is. she lost her shit and started crying me a river begging me not to leave but of course i told her "i have to lolo i have no where else to go and im not leaving my brother down there with my mother" we had about 15 minutes untill the plane boarded so we just spent that time talking and taking selfies and pictures until i heard "FLIGHT 207 TO NORTH CAROLINA BOARDING IN FIVE MINUTES" I sadly but surely said my goodbyes and i grabbed my little brothers hand and we boarded the plane together. 10 minutes later the plane took flight and colin began to get bored so i gave him my ipad mini to play games on that way he would be distracted. 

"how long this flight be bri?" colin asked 

"this fight is about 2 hours" i replied with a smile 

"are we gonna see mommy ?" 

"yeah were gonna go live with mommy now cols"

"what about daddy ?"

"daddys going to a better place now"

"bri im gonna take a sleep"

i laughed at his horrible grammar but replied with an "ok" and let him lean on me to fall asleep and slowly i fell asleep myself. only to be woken up and hour later by a flight attendant. this is it. we were finally in North Carolina. i grabbed my little brothers hand as we walked over to baggage claim and of course colin decided to bump into a complete stranger. i picked up colin to avoid anymore of umping into strangers but of happened again and when i looked up i saw the biggest afro but it suited the guy so well. 

"im so sorry " i told him as i tried to get away 

Tez's POV

"wait, it was my fault. can i like buy you something as a way of apologizing ?" i asked this gorgeous girl in front of me. i couldnt let her walk away that fast. she had the most stunning hazel eyes.

"Uhm no thats okay i really have to get going" she stuttered 

"well can i get a name? maybe a number?" i asked. if i dont get her digits im surely getting a name

"briana. my names briana..i dont really know about giving you my number.."

"then ill give you mine. i live here and i can tell your really new and maybe you'll need a tour guide. never know" i winked and gave her my number. i slowly started to walk away when she suddenly stopped me.

"whats your name ? i mean i have a number, the face, but not a single name."

"the names tez." and with that she walked away with a little boy following behind her


OKAY SO WHAT DID YOU GUYS THINK OF CHAPTER 2? THEY FINALLY MEET ! dont forget to vote for the next chapter anddddddd if you have any questions just comment, inbox or tweet me them !

just search "anaaizzle" and i should pop up :) byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 

B L A C K- Tez Mengestu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now