
674 19 14

make sure to read the authors note at the end 

currently typing this chapter with one hand bc im eating a sandwich in the other lololololololol k bye. 


as soon as i tweeted and instagramed the picture i got so much feedback it was crazy everyone was so excited since we were leaving in a couple of days i decided that i would start to pack now, tez decided to go to his house and pack his clothes then he would bring his suitcase to my house since we were boarding the same flight to new york.. new york, my dad, OH MY GOD with everything happening tez kept my mind off my dad and i completely forgot that he was in the process of dying omg should i give him a call or wait untill im in new york for the results. Speaking of tez he just texted me.

T: hey ill be over there in 5. miss you

B: otay & i miss you too

after i finally finished packing tez rang my door bell so i zipped up my suitcase and went to go answer the door. i opened the door as i was greeted with a warm hug and and soft kiss. i smiled at my boyfriends gentle nature. we were hugging for what seemed like forever when i finally decided i was hungry. "tez lets go get something to eat" i pestered him "wanna order pizza ?" he asked eh pizza ? as much as i love pizza i could really go for some chipotle "eh no pizza i feel like thats all ive been eating. lets go get some chipotle i haven't had that in forever" wait does tez even like chipotle ??? wtf who doesn't like chipotle ?? "im cool with chipotle lets go" he said as he got up put on his shoes and stood by the door waiting for me to get my things (phone, keys ,wallet &purse) We decided to take my car because 

1. i haven't driven her in forever  &

2.i miss the smell of my car. it smelt like lavender 24/7 which is such a beautiful thing, as tez's car smelt like boys. like you know just like 3,000,000 boys have been living in there for ages even with all the car scent thingys in there it still manages to smell like feet and cologne. how ? i have no idea. the drive to chipotle was pretty short considering that it was in the mall which wasn't too far from mine or tez's house. i just ordered a burrito bowl (A/N: fun fact about me ive never tasted chipotle. my friend just tels me she orders a burrito bowl) and tez got an actual burrito we decided to stay in chipotle and eat and as we were eating some fans actually came up to us and asked for some pictures and a follow on twitter which we did and we snapchatted it all. i love seeing the glimmer of excitement in tez's eye when he sees fans. just seeing fans really makes all the hate and hard work so worth it. i really do love all my fans so much, seeing vine edits of me and stuff, seeing them tweet me sweet things and that type of stuff really warms my heart and makes my day. 

2 weeks later

 we decided to head back to my house and tez thought he could challenge me in just dance so we played that for a while we were dancing tez slipped and fell, i started to die of laughter. when he stopped hurting in pain he decided to tickle me and that only made me burst into tears and i couldn't take it, and then he started to attack me with kisses and that led to a makeout session. which got a little too heated and was about to lead to something else before i perked up "HEY" "what ?" he asked sorta annoyed "lets go roller skating !" i told him enthusiastically, i honestly needed to get us out of my house. i feel like were moving to fast, "i don't think you know how fast were moving we've only dating for a couple weeks..sex isn't even an option yet, i like you. i don't love you" sure saying that upset him but he had to see the fault in this somewhere. he muttered and okay before putting on his shoes "where you going ?" i asked "i thought you wanted to go roller skating....." i didn't wanna go roller skating i only said that so we wouldn't end up fucking on my brand new bed and bed sheets. "oh yeah, lemme go get my shoes and stuff" i could tell there was going to be such an awkward tension between us for a good while. the silence in the car was cut throat. you could slice the tension with a knife in here. i decided to take the aux cord and plug my phone in hoping music would lighten the mood. but no, he snatched the aux cord from me not even looking at me as he did it. i tried grabbing his hand and of course he pulled away and put in on the steering wheel and he continued to hold his grudge against me. "i feel so bad..." i stated in the dead silence of the car. "you should" he said as he gave me the cold shoulder "why don't... why don't you love me the way i love you ?...." he asked me slowly, i looked to him as he didn't even look at me, keeping his eyes on the road "i just didn't think we were in the stage of "love" yet" i said putting air quotes around the word "love". he didn't respond. after about 2minutes of driving we reached a the roller rink and he finally looked at me and said "i thought we were."  got out of the car and leaving me baffled in the car wondering why he felt so strongly and so surely about me. i quickly go out of the car and followed behind him quickly when he finally turned around from where he was walking in the parking lot "WHY DON'T YOU GET THAT I FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU THE MINUTE I SAW YOU ?! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I WANNA YELL TO THE WORLD HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE TELLING PEOPLE WE'RE DATING BUT APPARENTLY YOU DONT FEEL THE SAME FUCKING WAY." And with that he walked away, got in his car and drove away. and what scared me the most is that he didn't drive in the direction of his house.



- Ana 

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