Chapter 49

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| I'm laughing because you all said Shaun or Timothy, a few even said Christian, James, and Ashton. Literally no one ships her with Taylor, poor Taylor's gonna be single forever. |

Jordan's point of view

I grabbed the pink dress and then put it on. I looked in my bathroom mirror and then smiled. I didn't think it looked too bad, but I didn't feel like myself.

"It's all about how you wear them."

Michael's voice ran in my head and I smiled. I ran to my closet and then grabbed my leather jacket. I pulled it on and then ventured further into my closet where Ashton had put a bunch of girly clothes.

He even bought me heels.

I grabbed a pair of pink flats and then slipped them on. I left my closet and then went back to my bathroom. I put on some chapstick and then brushed out my hair. I left it down and then let my bangs fall in front of my eye.

I smiled and then added my black choker necklace. I nodded at my reflection and then smiled. It didn't look as girly anymore and I felt more like myself.

I put my phone in my jacket pocket and then grabbed a few pencils and pens to put in my jacket pocket because I wasn't bringing my backpack today. I didn't have anything to carry with my really so I didn't need it.

I walked downstairs and then greeted Chelsea and Christian. "Wow." Christian said and Chelsea looked at me. "You're in pink. Like you actually wore it willingly." He told me and I nodded.

"Do I look okay? Should I change?" I asked and then flattened the dress out. "Does it make me look ugly?" I asked worried and they shook their head.

"No! Of course not! You look beautiful sweetheart." Chelsea said and I blushed. "Are you ready to go to school or would you like some breakfast?" She asked.

"I'm fine." I said and she nodded. "I'm ready whenever you guys are." I told them and they nodded.

"You really do look nice Jordan. Maybe you should wear pink more often." Christian said. "Actually wait, then more guys would stare at you, don't wear pink more often." He told me and I laughed.

"Whatever you say Christian." I told him and he finished eating. Chelaea told us it was time to leave after Chris brushes his teeth and I nodded.


"Wow, little miss Jordan is in pink." Taylor said and wrapped an arm over my shoulders. "Who are you trying to impress? Shaun?" He teased and I blushed.

"No one. I just saw it yesterday at the mall and thought I should get it. It doesn't look bad, does it?" I asked and he shook his head. "I felt like I should wear pink more often because I'm a girl."

"I am going to slap you." Taylor said and grabbed my face. "Just because you are a girl doesn't mean you have to wear pink. You wear what you like, not what people label 'girly' and 'feminine' okay? I can't loose you to some girly, wannabe, rich chick okay?" He said and I laughed.

"I'm not gonna be some girly, wannabe rich chick okay? I'm also not gonna change just for people. I'm still the same Jordan. I'm still the girl who wears destroyed jeans and band shirts. It's just, I wanted to try out pink." I said and he nodded.

"Jordan." Shaun said and I smiled. "Morning." He said to me and then greeted Taylor.

"Hi." Taylor said and he dropped his hands from my face. I wiped my face and then he laughed.

"You look good in that dress." He told me and I blushed. "I didn't think you were into pink judging by what happened yesterday."

"It was too fluffy and I didn't like it." I whined and Taylor looked confused. Shaun smiled evilly and I narrowed my eyes at him as he pulled his phone out carefully. "Don't."

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