Challenge Accepted 🍋

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Kakashi, Guy, and Y/N are drinking at a bar. Guy challenges Kakashi to a drinking contest. You join in! 

Reader is about 25 while Kakashi is 27.


Y/N and Guy sat are at the booth in the small bar, Guy whining while crying ribbons down his face. He lets out a dramatic wail, "WHY Y/N. HOW COULD I LET LEE PUSH HIMSELF TO SUCH AN EXTENT. IT'S ALL MY FAUUULT!" Guy now crying harder, Y/N smiles slightly, scratching the back of her neck.

"Guy, you're a great sensei! Lee will be fine. We just have to stay positive and hope for the best! He's a strong kid, he'll pull through." As you spoke, Guy stared intently, a prominent frown on his face while he soaked in your words. His eyebrows pointed down. He nods violently, tears still streaming down.

"I know, I know...I just...feel so...BAAAAD-" He sobs again, and you let out an empathetic chuckle and sigh. Just then, a silver haired ninja strolls past your table, glancing over at the two of you. He eyes you up and down shamelessly, with no emotion, proceeding to look at Guy.

"Guy?" He stops, looking down at Guy, his hands casually resting in his pockets. Guy lifts his head in a pleasant surprise, his puppy dog eyes shining while staring at Kakashi. Kakashi lets out a soft groan, quickly glancing from Guy to Y/N, not having fully assessed the situation prior to speaking. You offer him an awkward wave and chuckle.

Still beaming up with tears in his eyes, Guy smiles happily, "KAKASHI! Sit, sit, please! I need the company of my eternal rival. Nothing fuels the soul like a friendly competition!" Guy gives him a friendly thumb's up, smiling, wiping his snot on his sleeve.

Kakashi sweats, sighing and shrugging his shoulders, not wanting to refuse him in his current state of distress. Seating himself next to his old friend, Guy immediately begins pouring them both a shot of sake. "Oh boy." Kakashi glances down, then at you, nonchalantly taking the bottle and pouring you a shot as well, silently inviting you to the drinking contest. As he pours he maintains eye contact with you, and you can't help but blush softly, before shifting your eyes to the glass. Still feeling his eyes on you, you bite your lower lip softly. You swear you can hear a soft giggle escape from Kakashi.

Eyes widening in embarrassment, Guy shoots a shameful look at you, frowning harder. "HOW RUDE OF ME, Y/N! I'M SO SORRY I SHOULD HAVE OFFERED YOU SOME-" Dramatically whining again, dropping his face in his hands. Both you and Kakashi sheepishly laugh, assuring him it's alright. He shifts, sternly staring up into the distance, determination burning in his eyes. "The rules," he spoke strictly, as if remembering some distant scripture. "We have to match the amount each one of us drinks, if you can't continue, you lose." Shining a smile at the both of you, he continues, "So if one of us finishes their shot, the others have to down theirs before we can all move on."

Kakashi closes his eye and sighs, "Alright then." You can't help but watch him and giggle to yourself, finding amusement in his cool demeanor despite his love for helping Guy. Kakashi looks at you, returning the eye contact.

"AND IF I LOSE...." You both flinch at his louder tone, looking at Guy, "I vow to do 900 pushups. One handed."

You all take 3 shots back to back, then start sipping your drinks and pouring as people finish theirs. A mist of soft pink seeps across your face as you relax a bit, occasionally munching on a rice ball you previously ordered. Now buzzed, the shots taste less bitter, so downing them is easier. The two of you mainly listen to Guy ramble on about Lee, switching between an extreme confidence and hopeless wreck. It's becoming harder for you to keep your eyes off of Kakashi at this point, seeing the permanent pink stained on his face was rather adorable. Compared to his usual demeanor, seeing him with the alcohol blush, his sluggish stare and slight slur, was new. You often catch him staring, eye half-lidded, gazing beneath your face. Although you stare back at him, admiring his face. Every now and then, his gaze shifts up to make eye contact with you. Seeing your blush makes him smirk, before he changes tones and nods happy closed eye smiles to Guy. 

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