Neighbors to Roommates - Preview 🍋

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Here's a teaser chapter of another short Kakashi x Reader I'll be adding to a separate book. It'll have lime, lemons, fluff, angst, u name it. This is chapter 2, so if you're interested keep a look out for chapter 1 in the other book for some previous context.

You and Kakashi are 27. Lime/Fluff/Lemon/ physical assault.


You and Sakura sat on the side in the grass with some sandwiches, watching her two squad mates attempt to strike Kakashi. Kakashi simply dodged effortlessly, reading his book as he did so.

Groaning, Naruto pointed at the two of you, yelling, "How come she gets to sit there and relax while we train?!" He stopped, glaring. Kakashi and Sasuke both paused, glancing over.

Sakura sank her shoulders in, blushing awkwardly.

Glancing at her, you stand, striding over to lean down over the two boys, "Well, Naruto-" You start, smiling that same, cold, mechanical smile.

He flinched, taking a step back, "Eh?"

"Since the three of you did such a piss poor job of cleaning my restaurant after I so graciously fed you for free-" Your eyes shifted to Sasuke, staring coldly.

Sasuke blushed a little, flinching as well, looking away annoyed.

"Sakura was generous enough to offer her help in fixing the mess you three kindly left behind." Flashing your glare up at Kakashi, he also winced, looking down at you, sweating a little.

"Since she didn't want to bother any of you with such unfortunate news, she kept all of her hard work to herself."

"Heh..." He closed his eye nervously.

"I assumed that the least you three would want to do is reward her by working extra hard to make up for what you selfishly put her through, No?"

The three of them jolted their eyes to each other, swallowing a little.

"Or is our resolve so inconsequential that fairness pertains only to ninja training?"

"Y...Yes, that seems fair." Kakashi spoke, smiling.

Naruto frowned, looking at Kakashi "How is that fair! We're already working our butts off over here!"

Looming over Naruto's figure, irritation radiated off your body, an icy ridge dawning over your eyes, "Work harder."


The three boys sat back on their hands, panting, Naruto and Sasuke flattening out to lay down. Chest rising and lowering rapidly, scuff marks, cuts, and bruises stained their bodies. Kakashi himself even looked a bit disheveled.

"Thanks for joining me for lunch, Sakura." Smiling at her, you stood up.

The two boys glared, Kakashi watching with an exhausted gaze. Their stomachs growled and Naruto groaned.

Standing over them with hands in your pockets, you wore a flat look, "After all that work, Sakura was still munificent enough to prepare you all your own lunch."

"Munica- what?" Naruto pushed his eyebrows together, finger itching his ear.

Rolling your eyes up in irritation, Kakashi responds blankly, voice slightly higher from all his exertion, "It means kind, Naruto."

"Ohhh! Thank you Sakura!" Sitting up, he gave her a toothy grin as she handed them all boxes.

"Wow, this looks super yummy!" Naruto exclaimed.

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