"Wanna roleplay?" 🍋

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Continuation of Kakashi x You x Yamato, but no context really needed.



Kakashi and Yamato were observing Naruto as he spoke to Konohamaru.

"Check this out!" Knohamaru grinned, smoke billowing around him

"What in the world is going on, Kakashi?" Yamato asks, a blush staining his cheeks.

"Uhh...I...don't know." Kakashi replied, slightly confused.

A tall women with big breasts replaced the boy, squishing them together, jiggling them around.

Yamato and Kakashi's eyes widen in awe, staring, noses bleeding profusely.

"Hey, I've been looking for you two-" Eyes switching to the woman, you deadpan.

The men tense up immediately, whipping their heads to you.

"Y-y/n-" Yamato starts, staring at you.

Kakashi frowns, sweating.

"....Nevermind." Turning quickly, you make haste away from them.

Lifting his hand to reach out to you, Kakashi stammers, "W-Wait- I can explain-"


Yamato and Kakashi sat in a row of desks indignantly, looking away from each other with a soft pink tinting their cheeks. You leaned against the chalkboard, reading papers students had turned in earlier that day.

Iruka slides the door open, stepping in, "Hey, Y/n-Sensei!"

Looking up, you meet his eyes, offering a small smile, "Hello, Iruka-Sensei. What can I help you with?"

Kakashi and Yamato's eyes locked on to Iruka, whose hand was now pressed flat against the chalkboard next to your head. He leaned in, smiling, and Kakashi groaned a little.

"Are we still on for tonight?" He asks.

"Yeah, of course. Can we do it here? There's more room."

Ears burning, Kakashi narrowed his glare, placing his head in his hand. Elbow on the desk, he glares, "Do what tonight?"

"Huh?" Iruka turned his head toward the two men, "What are you two doing here?"

Flinching, Yamato coughed awkwardly, switching his eyes toward the wall. Kakashi kept his glare, blushing softly.

You smirk, "Oh, they were helping me here and there."


The two men followed after you like sad puppies, trying to offer an explanation for their nose bleeds.

"Please! Y/n! We were just caught off-guard!" Yamato pleaded.

"I didn't say anything." You state flatly.

"You don't need to, it's written all over you," Kakashi grumbled, hands in his pockets while his head hung low.

"Then stop following me."

Kakashi's eye switched to your backside, "But I like the view."

Clicking your tongue in irritation, you turn and smile coldly, "You two are going to help me go over some papers."


"Well, that's nice of you guys." Looking back at you, Iruka cleared his throat, "I'll grab us some food for later then. See you." Giving an awkward wave to the men, he leaves.

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