7.The Temple

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TW: violence, pain, breaking bones

Night came and went and red never got a wink of sleep. She started to feel pain from her sprained arm as she dangled on the concrete slab. When the sun finally came up, the water had lessened. Red let herself down. The water was knee deep and cold. Red looked around. Everywhere was still covered in water. She had no clue where she was going, but she stomped on through the water, deep into the woods.

×TSC and Cheesy
TSC blinked. He had somehow fallen unconscious and now he lie awake on a small patch of wet land. He got up and looked around. Water rushed by him on both sides of the small island. He saw a yellow motionless figure laying in a mess a sticks and logs not to far from were he was. He made his way through the slushy water to the figure. Slowly he pulled away the sticks and logs and got the person out. He realized that it was reds friend. He had a cut across his face that was still bleeding. He looked up at TSC.
The person said breathlessly. He struggled to stand.
"Where is everyone? What happened?"
He asked.
"I don't know... "
SC said. A moment of silence passed and then the yellow guy said,
"By the way, I'm cheesy. And this is my dog phoenix..."
He looked around.
"Wait, where's Phoenix?! Phoenix! Phoenix! Here boy!"
He called. Nothing. TSC listened careful. Suddenly he heard a bark farther in the woods.
"He's back that way! "
TSC pointed. Cheesy ran in the direction TSC had said. SC followed from behind. They wandered farther and farther into the woods calling for phoenix.

~Yellow and blue
Blue and yellow had stuck together in the flood and had found a bunch of twigs and branches that weren't being swept away by the rushing water. They had climbed onto the pile and stayed there all night. When they woke the next morning it was still cloudy and flooding. The water had started to go down so they decided to look for the others. They wandered deep into the woods and found green, purple, and mango, who had found a cave and were just leaving to look for the rest of the gang too.

"I saw something farther in the woods yesterday. I'm not sure what it was but it looked like a building of some sort."
Mango told the others after they had all reconvened.
"Let's go check it out!"
Green said.
"But we should go find red and Sec, shouldn't we?"
Blue asked.
Green rolled his eyes.
"There probably around here too. Let's go find that building!"
Mango guided them in to the woods. After a few minutes of searching, they found the building. The flood waters hadn't seemed to touch it. It was old and thorns and ivy climbed the sides of the building.
Green said.
"Oh, look!"
Blue pointed at a sign. It read, "Temple of the Once Dead. "
Purple and green said in unison.
"That's just a little concerning."
Yellow said.
"You worry to much."
Green said before asking,
"Can we go in?!"
"No. Let's wait for TSC and red."
Mango instructed. Green sighed.
"Fine. Can we explore it just a little from out here?"
"Fine, just no mischief."
Mango said. Purple and green ran off. Blue and yellow walked around to the side. Blue examined the wall while yellow looked out at the woods. Suddenly she saw something move.
She whispered,
"Something is out there!"
Blue looked out at the woods. Suddenly a person burst through the brush. It was red!
Yellow ran to her side, blue right behind.
"Hi y'all."
Red said, gasping in air.
"Oh your arm!"
Yellow gasped.
"Yeah, I pulled it out of its socket or something."
"We have to get it wrapped up and in a cast before you do something to it."
"Where are the others?"
Red asked, changing the subject.
"There all here, but TSC."
"Oh... I thought I saw Second around here somewhere though?"
"You saw him?!"
"I thought I saw him. When I tried to go after him, I lost him."
"Naw, you found me."
Red turned around. TSC came out of the woods, Cheesy followed from behind holding his puppy in his arms.
"Cheesy! Second!"
Red laughed,
"And Phoenix."
SC walked over to reds side and cheesy put Phoenix down.
"Let's go back to the others."
Blue said.
Yellow said. As they walked back, red asked cheesy what had happened to his faces.
"Scratch by some wood. Its swollen I think. It hurts a lot."
"The bleeding stopped a little before we got here."
SC added. Purple and green had returned to mango and when they saw red, second, and cheesy they greeted them happily.
"Welcome to the temple of the once dead!"
Green said.
Red asked.
"That's the name of this place."
Green gestured towards the building.
"Hey, now that there back, can we go in?!"
He asked mango.
"Ok. But only some of us."
"Bet. I'm going in. Who else?"
Green said, eyes glowing with excitement.
Purple said, walking over to greens side.
"Why not?"
Red shrugged and join purple and green.
Mango said.
"We are right here, yell if you need help."
"Will do!"
Green said, bounding up the steps already. Red and purple followed close behind. When the got up the steps there was no door to get inside. The area where they stood circled the whole building though. They walked around to the back.
Green pointed at a helicopter that had landed on a strip of land by the building.
"It says One-World"
Red murmured. Purple nodded.
"We better be careful."
They found the door and got inside. The hall they walked in to was dark, the only light came through some candles along the wall. They wandered farther down the hallway and suddenly heard voices.
Red said. They stood still and listen carefully.
"It's definitely TDL."
Green whispered.
"Let's get closer."
They quietly walked down the hallway. As they got closer the voices got louder. They ducked into an abandoned roomed and listen in on TDL's conversation.
"That's right. And once that happens we have to sweet talk the people into getting them. You said they are finished correct."
"Correct, " another person said, "they are completely set up and ready. Each ones code has been plugged into our computers."
"Wonderful. After this incident and tomorrows we will be able to get the people to get them and then we can take there minds and control them."
TDL laughed,
"Good work."
"Hey you!"
Purple, red, and green quickly turned around. There, behind them stood the maroon guy again.
"You again!?"
He shouted at red.
Green and purple ran out of the room and down the hallway. Red tried to follow them but tripped and landed hard on the ground. She heard the bone in her bad arm crunch. She tried to get up again and run but she couldn't get to her feet fast enough. The guard grabbed her and pulled her down the hallway to TDL. Green and purple looked back down the hallway but it was to late. Red was now captive by The Dark Lord.

Red looked up at TDL. He smiled evilly at her.
"I have big plans for you! Big plans!"

1238 words

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