11. The beasts

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TW: Demon bugs, poison, mention of suicide
~Spelling errors

About an hour pasted and red and the kids still sat outside sleeping.

After awhile of watching the news on TV, TSC went into the living room to check on red and wasn't surprised to find her gone. He looked upstairs and downstairs before going outside. He looked around behind the house. As he moved farther into the woods he began to notice a strange buzzing sound in the distance. He stopped walking and looked around. The buzzing grew louder. He backed up and ran to the house. He ran to the field looked around before noticing red and two of the kids by a tree sleeping. He quickly woke them up and got them back inside. The buzzing grew closer. Just as SC was closing to door he heard them calling out in anger,
He slammed the door. Yellow noticed his panic and ran to the windows. Blue and purple walked in the room.
"Abandon have arrived..."
Yellow said, turning away from the window.
"I thought they are called Apollyon?"
SC said, confused.
"Hold up. What is this Abandon, or Apollyon or whatever?"
Red asked, rubbing her eyes from sleepiness.
"Aren't you supposed to be resting?"
"I was and I feel fine now. So answer my question."
"Apollyon, which is another word for Abandon, is a type of demon bug. If the bug stings followers of TDL they will want to commit suicide, but they won't be able to. Luckily, they can't hurt us."
"But what about me? With this dumb glove, couldn't they hurt me."
"No. Because you lost the right glove which is the glove that gives you the Mark of the Beast. So they can't hurt you."
"Oh, Alright."
"But we should all go down stairs and shelter. According to what we saw on the USB's, there will be millions upon millions of these bugs. They are powerful and it would probably be best if we stay down stairs were they can't get in."
Yellow said. Blue nodded and began pulling food out of cupboards to bring down stairs.
"What about green?"
Purple asked.
"Is he well enough to be moved?"
Yellow asked.
"With care... I think we could move him."
Purple said.
"Wait, what about cheesy?"
Red asked. Blue returned from down stairs.
"Oh um, "
He said, "I haven't seen him for awhile."
TSC looked back out the window.
"Last I remember he went out for a walk with his puppy. I don't know if he came back..."
"So he could be out there?!?! Outside with those ugly bugs?!"
Red gasped.
"Hey, take it easy. I'll go out in a little to look for him."
TSC said, putting a hand on reds shoulder,
"First, let's get down stairs all set up. Purple, go find mango and get him to help you bring green down. Blue, continue getting food and kitchen things down stairs. Yellow and I will get blankets and pillows and other necessary things."
"What about me?"
Red asked.
"You can get the kids and get them to help you clean up down stairs. Also, get the pets and their things. But I don't want you doing any hard tasks, ok? We can't have you hurting yourself."
"Yes boss." Red grumbled, "I'll go get the kids now."

Red gathered up the kids and set to work down stairs while everyone else started moving things down. Yellow and Second set up a cot for green and purple and mango brought him down. He looked better, according to yellow, and he talked more.
"You think he'll survive?"
Red asked, sweeping a pile of dirt into a dust pan.
"By the looks of it, I think he'll be ok. He got some of the poison water in his mouth."
Yellow said.
Red nodded and continued her work. After TSC finished bring things down stairs he came over to red.
"Where do you think cheesy would go?"
He asked.
"Are you going to look for him now?"
Red set her broom against a wall.
"He probably got distracted by an animal or something. Maybe he found a way into town."
"Ok. I'll check there."
TSC turned to yellow,
"Do we have any kind of vehicle I can use?"
"Oh yeah. I found some four wheelers at the back of the house. I'll show you."
TSC said.
Yellow smiled and walked over to the steps.
"You sure you want to go alone?"
Red asked.
"I'm sure I'll be fine. The GC and TDL's men don't know my face."
"If your sure."
"I'll be fine," TSC turned to yellow, "Now, show me the four wheelers please."
Yellow nodded and they both went up stairs. A few Apollyon flew around. Yellow grabbed a glass cup and trapped one inside.
"Ew look at it."
She said. TSC looked inside the cup. The bug had the face of a human, the main of a lion, and the tail of a scorpion.
TSC said making a discussed face.
"Kill him."
Yellow let the bug back out and threw him to the floor and stepped on it, but the bug didn't die.
"Oh! They're pretty powerful."
She grabbed a rock that was sitting on a shelf and brought it down on the bug. After a few hits, it finally died. Yellow swatted away some more bugs and brought SC over to the back door. She carefully opened the door and pushed SC out then she quickly got out and slammed the door shut, only a few bugs got inside. She let out a breath.
"Ok. Right over here."
She guided him to the four wheelers and let SC pick which he wanted to ride.
"I made sure they're all full of gas and working. So you'll probably be fine."
Second said sitting down on the four wheeler. Yellow showed him how to turn it on and the controls to it. When he got the hang of it, Second told yellow to watch over red and try and distract her from worrying. Then he turned on the engine and told her that he probably won't be home till late.
"If I'm not home by tomorrow at lunch, y'all can start worrying. If I'm not home by the time the sky grows dark, send someone out."
Yellow nodded and Second drove off.
Yellow walked out to the field and watched him drive away. When she couldn't see him anymore nor hear the four wheeler she turned around and walked back to the house and quickly got inside. She walked around again upstairs for a little and checked to make sure everything was ok before she went back down stairs to the others. It was getting dark out so blue prepared them all supper while yellow, red, and purple settled down and watched a movie. Red drifted to sleep and then purple did too. By the time blue had supper done, everyone was asleep, except yellow. Blue sat down next to her and handed her her food.
"You think Second will be ok out by himself?"
He asked.
"No. No I honestly think that him going out there alone is going to cause something bad to happen. Don't know what exactly, but I'm pretty sure."
Yellow responded, taking a bite of food.
"Oh yeah. I heard the Global community of teens is growing larger. Do you think Cheesy was somehow caught by them?"
"Maybe," Yellow let out a sigh,
"I'm tired. Let's just watch the movie and try not to worry."
Blue nodded and smiled sweetly. He put his arm around yellow.
"He said if he's not back by nightfall tomorrow, someone can go find him."
Yellow added quietly.
"Ok. You think it should be me and you?"
Blue asked
"Yeah," Yellow nodded, "Yeah. That would be the best idea."
Blue nodded. They both sat silently and watched the movie and ate their supper and by the time the movie was done it had gotten late. Blue went to his cot and fell asleep quickly while yellow sat down at a desk she had set up. She pulled out a notebook and flipped open to a blank page. She let out another sigh and quickly jotted down, "Something big is coming. These beasts keep saying something. Something about a danger." She starred at her journal for a moment and then closed it and stuffed into her bag. She then got up and walked over to her cot and eventually fell into a fitful sleep. Dreams aroused by the screaming of the bugs. They called out only words she could hear.
"The day of his death is coming! He will come back! Death to all! Danger!"

1375 words

(That wasn't the best ending.

Anyway, I'm going to be posting chapters sometimes but not very fast. I'm sorry. You can expect more from me in the spring and summer. I'm ✨nocturnal✨ in the winter)

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