8. Wormwood

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TW: poison, pain and injury, death, blood, violence, possession, dark evil forces aka the devil, and it's a longer chapter
~ Spelling errors

Green and purple ran out of the temple and quickly explained to the others what had happened. Two guards came running out and there was no time to try and help red. They ran into the forest and the guards lost them. Once they exited the forest they found themselves in an open pasture. The sun was high in the sky and yellow calculated that it was about noon (12:00).
"We should find somewhere to rest for the night. It's almost winter so it's getting colder. We don't want to catch colds." Blue said. Mango nodded.
"Let's split up, " he pointed at green, TSC and cheesy, "you three go search the left side. The rest of us will search the right side. We meet on the opposite side and if you find anything, yell."
Everyone nodded, got into there group, and went in search of a building.

Green ran ahead of the group. He seemed extra energetic today and even seemed unfazed by red being captured. Purple was nervous, all the others were too.
"Green sometimes has to much energy."
TSC murmured.
"Yeah, " purple agreed, "I could sure use a break from all the drama and stuff. Makes my head hurt."
"Mhm. I could use a fulfilling nap."
Purple laughed at TSC.
"You act so much like a cat sometimes, y'know."
"Hey, reds the animal expert."
TSC said. Then they both went quiet. Wrong thing to say, TSC thought.
"I hope she's alright... "
Purple whispered as she stared out at the woods. Suddenly she stopped walking.
"Hey, look."
She pointed out at the woods. TSC narrowed his eyes.
"Oh! It looks like building!"
"Let's go check it out!"
"Call green over!"
TSC yelled over his shoulder as he ran into the woods. He skidded to a stop and looked up at a old white house. It was small but also had multiple floors. It was perfect for the gang. Purple and green ran to his side.
"Looks like the owners are probably one of those who vanished."
Green said.
"Let's get the others."
Purple said. They turned around and ran back out of the woods. They yelled over to the others and they came running over.
"Come on!"
Green said, turning around and running back into the woods. Everyone followed.
"Wow. Great work. It's perfect."
Mango said, "Let's go in."
The walked up to the door, which was unlocked, and went inside.
"I'm not surprised that this place isn't ransacked and everythings still here. It was so hidden in the woods."
Blue said as they explored the place. Everything was still in place. There was still food in the pantry and fridge. Yellow pulled out her laptop.
"There's Wi-Fi!"
She gasped. She set the laptop on the kitchen table and pulled up the news. The first thing that came up was breaking news. A meteor was headed toward earth! Underneath the title was a video of the object. Yellow clicked on it and turned up the volume.
"A meteor called Wormwood is headed towards earth."
The news anchor said, "It's the size of a mountain. It's only about ten minutes away from earth now, but do not worry. It's said it will land in the Atlantic Ocean. If you are near the ocean, leave immediately. Get as far away as possible. Stay tuned for more information on this meteor as it get closer."
The video ended and yellow turned the volume back down.
"Well. Now what?"
Green asked. For once, he didn't seem energetic.
"Now we explore the house. And we can reconvene here in a little less than 10 minutes. I'm going to go look around outside." Mango said before turning around and leaving the house. TSC headed upstairs. He thought about the meteor, Wormwood, and about red. He hoped red was safe and wouldn't be hurt by the meteor, or by TDL. He feared the worse though. Red had always been easily possessed. She wasn't week and had begun fighting the evil forces when they tried to break her. But TDL was powerful and he could definitely break red.
He got to the top of the steps and looked in at the first room. It was dusty but it looked fine. He moved to the next room. It looked about the same as the one before. The room across the hall was a bathroom and connected to it was another, bigger bed room. It was cleaner and contained cool glass figures on the dresser top. There was a round mirror hung on the wall and some photos hung beside it. SC walked over and admired the people on them. Two small boys stood in front of there parents. The boys were the same height, one was teal and the other was a light green. The father was also a light green but a tint darker and the mother was a sky blue. TSC felt bad for them. If they had vanished with the others he wandered what had became of them and if they had been caught in the earthquake or maybe the flood he felt even worse. But maybe one or two of them still lived. It was possible they had gotten lost. He looked over at a bed side clock. 7 minutes had already past. He left the room and went back down stairs. Green sat at the kitchen table alone, head in hands.
"Hey bud, you ok? "
TSC asked. Green looked up.
"Yep. Just thinking. Find anything?"
SC sat down next to him.
"Yeah, three rooms and a bathroom. Also there was a cute photo of the people who lived here before."
"Aw. To bad the must have died. This is nice place."
"Yeah. You sure you're ok though? You looked pretty lost in thought a minute ago."
"Just thinking about everything that's happened. The meteor especially. I- I have a bad feeling about it."
He looked away.
"I'm sure it will be fine."
TSC said calmly.
"Yeah, well, I'm not sure. Matter a fact, I'm positive something bad will happen!"
Green said through gritted teeth, still not looking at TSC. Purple and blue walked into the room.
"Hi guys!"
Blue said, interrupting green and TSC's conversation.
"We found some cool stuff. Oh, and the water here still runs. Yellow tested it and said it's drinkable. She went out to get Mango just now through the back door. Did you guys find anything?"
"Uh, well, yeah. There's 3 rooms upstairs and a bathroom. And there was a cute family photo of the people who once lived here."
"Oh cool!"
Blue and purple sat down at the table too.
"How bout you green?"
Purple asked. Green didn't respond.
"Hello? Earth to green."
Purple waved her hand at him. Green looked up.
"I didn't go looking."
He murmured.
"Hey, what's with mood change?"
Purple asked. SC nervously glanced over at green but before anyone could say anything, yellow and mango walked back in the house.
"Alright guys. News time!"
Yellow said, laptop already open. She began to play a live news video.
"Beware of falling debris."
The news anchor was saying as the video came on, "this meteor seems to have started breaking apart once it had made it's way through the equator. Please don't go outside. We aren't sure what this meteor could have on it, like poison and living organisms. This just in, the meteor is said to hit the Atlantic in about a minute. Please, hang tight."
The man went quiet and a video of the meteor appeared. They watched as it dove straight into the sea, causing a large wave. Pieces of Wormwood flew everywhere. There was a bang on the window. Green got up and checked.
"Wow. It's all the way over here too!"
A piece of the meteor had hit the window and a few more pieces fell from the sky and landed everywhere, including the small creek that ran by the house.
"Yeah, let's not go outside."
Yellow said,
"And looks like more floodings going to happen from that wave. I sure hope reds ok."
She murmured the last part. Everyone nodded.
"Let's do something to pass the time. Like a movie."
TSC suggested.
"Good idea. I'll pull one up."
Yellow said, already pulling one up. Green got up and left the room, purple watched him as he left. TSC overheard her mumble,
"I hope he's alright."
She leaned back and looked over at yellow. Suddenly there was a crash down the hallway. Purple shot up and ran down the hallway, everyone followed right behind. Purple gasped and ran into the bathroom. Green was on the floor, blood streamed from his mouth and he was in lots of pain.
"What's wrong with him?!"
Purple shouted, tears brimmed her eyes.
"I- I- I don't... Know..."
Yellow stuttered.
Green said, his voice barely understandable.
"Get him to a room and get him comfortable. Don't drink any water. Don't even touch it."
Mango instructed. Yellow and blue picked up green and carried him to a room. Purple got up but she was still crying. TSC looked over at mango before leaving him and purple alone to discuss everything. TSC followed blue and yellow to the room where they laid the now unconscious green.
"How long do you think he'll survive?"
TSC asked.
"I have no clue. It's clearly poison, from the water. I don't know what to do."
Yellow said and sat down on the edge of the bed. Blue checked greens temperature.
"He's burning up."
TSC sighed and left the room and went out to living room, where he sat for the rest of the night, thinking and staring out the window at the stary sky.

•Reds POV•
TDL had taken red into a cold room with lots of screens everywhere. He tied red to a chair and started talking to her about his plans.
"So outside of here there's this big meteor thingy that's going to kill a whole lotta people and yadda yadda."
"You know about this and you aren't going to do anything to stop it?!"
"Course not. It's a way to get people to love me."
"If you stop it they'll love you more!"
"Why you trying to help me?"
He asked sarcastically. Red rolled her eyes.
"Ah it's hit the Atlantic."
He pulled up a video of the meteor and red watched it with tired eyes.
"So I have to go live soon and comfort the people so they love me and everything. Oh yeah and I'm going to use you eventually."
"No your not."
"Ooo scary! Yes I'm using you, you can't stop me."
"W-what are you going to do?"
He walked over to her grabbed her hand, pulled off the bandage and pointed at the diamond.
"I'm going to activate the darkness."
He smirked evilly.
He let go of her hand and pulled out a pair of fingerless gloves with a glowing red diamond on the back. He grabbed her hands and shoved the gloves on.
He taunted.
Red eyes went completely black and suddenly her thoughts were no longer her own. She had been possessed... By the dark forces.

1883 words

I'm to lazy to go through and check for spelling right now so if anything is wrong use your brain powers and word it correctly.

Also, happy thanksgiving to those who celebrate and those who don't happy... Day! Have a good one!

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