
263 18 12

Well it's done.

I actually can't believe that I finished my very first story, I'm feeling pretty proud.

I had gotten this idea from an actual donut shop, it really isn't as cool as in the story. but one day during school I went with a few friends and we got donuts. As we sat eating the fattening food, I thought of this. I literally was staring off into space and my friends got weirded out... oh if only they knew what was going though my head (and eventually on the Internet.)

Nobody knows this but I had previously posted this, but I took it down because I felt like it was terrible. Then one day I said, "fuck it." and I posted it. Then eventually it had like 60 reads and I thought it kind of sucked. I was on the verge of taking it down for good and giving up the whole writing scene. Before I was going to (no joke like a day before) Paige aka overdosive read it and said how good it was. That honestly made me so happy and it made me want to continue this story. So I did, and as I type this it has over 100 votes and that put a smile on my face ten miles wide ((lol song reference.))

Then that brings me to now, I finished it and I'm feeling good.

Of course I'm going to find the time and rewrite parts and fix different things because it makes me kinda want to cringe. Also because some chapters are mega short.

I would like to thank my main girl Paige bc aye you helped me hardcore with this, and if you hadn't found this story, it wouldn't be up today. (cue rain and smallest violin)

Also my English teacher from two years ago. Every damn Friday she would make the class write in journals for ten minutes. She let me write stories (fanfiction) and she didn't judge which was pretty cool of her. ((:

And shout out the the donut shop that I live right down the street from. The real MVP for making me think of this, slay. I hope it stays in business bc those donuts I s2g rock my life.

And lastly, to anyone that has read this and voted or commented, it means a lot.

((Shameless self promo- go read my other story Google Translate.))

Thanks man, you rock.

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