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4 a.m. makes you think.

About love, hope, happiness and life in general. Being up for the past 48-hours meant a lot of thinking for me. My brain has been in overdrive for that long, draining time. I haven't felt this much stress since the day we found out.

Nonetheless my actions brought me to a place that should be meant for happiness, not my dreary sadness that hung over me like overcasting clouds that made the world seem dark and dreary.

The memories do strike me hard as I walk in the quaint shop. The bell overhead, the comforting smell, the woman who is one of my favorite people that I've ever had the chance to meet. Now all cause a heart wrenching pain deep in every part of my being.

But that's what 4 a.m. is for.


This is in no way affiliated with any member of 5 Seconds of Summer. This story is completely fictional, thought of by me.

Copyright © by Lauren (possibilities)

All Rights Reserved

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