Chapter 5

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Horseman of Death, Letum

"Let me be the first to apologize for Ares' actions. He is still adjusting to his power, even after so many years," Letum stated, coming around, standing in front of Beelzebub.

Letum had been wondering where his boss had disappeared for all these years. He knew that the Prince had been in mourning over Famine's passing. He had assumed that he was probably holed up in his own little movie theater that he had made for himself, or his 'viewing room'. However, Letum had been just as disturbed as the mortals in the realm to hear of the Prince's passing. It had left him second guessing his gut instinct, especially after the news came from Ares.

Most days Letum was busy ferrying the dead into the afterlife. It was his chosen work, his preferred way to spend his days. When he was alive, he had been selfish, a monarch among slaves. Many lives had fallen by his word or his family's. When Letum had first come to this realm, the Prince had been quite taken with him instantly. It probably had to do with how bloodthirsty his life had been. But when Letum had faced his last few moments alive, he knew then just how terrible he had been, after all the blood he had spilled.

Doing what he did in the afterlife, he felt it was a little retribution for who he had been while alive. After all, he had an awfully long time to make up for it.

After the passing of Famine, it made his work all the more important to do now. However, he still stole time away to spend with the Prince, Ares and Joan when he could. He chose not to seclude himself forever instead of sitting in his shame. Still, the images of being alive occasionally haunted his waking moments. The brutality of which he used to carry himself. He could still hear his enemies beg for mercy as their blood coated his entire being. It made him shiver, piercing his ever still heart.

"Were you in your home, Beelzebub?" Letum asked, cocking his head to the side as he spoke, his voice soft, concerned.

The Prince nodded. His face shifted, the mask he had donned upon himself slipping away around Letum. A few mortals milled around Beelzebub's beloved town square, but for the most part he was able to be himself around Letum. "I was... watching," he muttered, taking a deep breath, sounding guilty.

"Hey," he said, reaching and squeezing the Prince's shoulder. "That is okay. I can't imagine how his passing affected you. If anything happened to you, I don't know what I would do," Letum smiled, running his fingers through his hair, the silver gracefully slipping out of his hands.

"I think I am just going to head back home for now. I am not quite feeling myself," Beelzebub admitted a little sheepishly. "Can you keep an eye on Ares for me, in the meantime?"

Letum nodded. "Of course my lord... That reminds me, Joan was looking for you. Should I handle her requests as well?" The Prince nodded solemnly. Letum could tell that the grisly news of hearing himself die and then being reminded of their shared friend's passing again had taken its emotional toll on the Prince.

Gesturing to Cerberus, the Prince walked back towards his home, but not before waving his cane back towards the spot next to his best friend. Beside Letum appeared an exact double of the Prince, but in his eyes there was no light, no soul, just an empty body this time. It was enough to deter the souls from getting too rowdy, and that was all that was needed. There was a chance his double would be killed again, but that was one he was willing to take.

For mere enjoyment, Letum flicked Beelzebub's head. Nothing. No reaction, not even a flinch. No acknowledgement that he had been touched. Had that been the real Beelzebub he would have probably (temporarily of course) lost his arm.

Letum turned away, his cloak whisking away behind him as he went back towards the movie theater.

Upon his arrival, he went through one of the theaters. It was currently playing what Letum could tell was a very short reel, with a young child sitting in the chair. The child had bright, wide brown eyes, matching his soft tousled hair. He looked terrified, and as his gaze traveled, noticing Letum, he started to cry. The child jumped out of his chair and ran towards him, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Where-where-where am I, mister?" the child stuttered out, looking up at Letum, his hand grasping Letum's cloak by his knees. "I just went through a door... And, and, and... Where are my parents?"

Letum leaned down, scooping the child up in his arms. The boy instinctively wrapped his legs around Letum's waist as he settled the boy on his hip. Maybe not more than 4, the child was scared witless. Letum brought his other hand around and stroked the child's arm. "What is your name, little one?" he asked.

"L-Logan. Logan Smith," the child muttered, looking at Letum, wrapping his arms tightly around his neck.

Glancing at the reel, Letum could see where his parents were. He tucked the boy's head into the crook of his neck, covering his eyes, knowing the child did not need to see what was about to happen next.

As Letum rubbed Logan's arm, he whispered little comforts to try and calm him. Letum watched the last bit of his life play out. He watched as the car accelerated into the other car. He watched as the glass shattered in the family car. Letum watched as Logan flew through the front windshield. A solo tear slid down Letum's cheek as he held the boy tighter.

Then the screen went black, shrouding the theater in darkness.

After departing the theater towards the back, Logan still clutching onto Letum, they both came to what looked like an expansive field that stretched as far as the eyes could see. The sky made the time appear to be about dusk, but as Letum knew, that was just the permanent color of purgatory. Always moments after sunset, all the time.

Letum scanned the crowd, looking for two faces in particular. When he spotted them, they both looked like they were searching as well. Making sure Logan was secure, he walked over to the pair. Eyes followed him as he walked, looking like he was floating with his hair and cloak dragging behind him. As he approached the couple, he asked, "Mr. and Mrs. Smith?" The woman, with long flowing brown hair, and the man, with the same bright brown eyes as Logan turned to Letum. "I believe I have someone who wants to see you."

"Mommy! Daddy!" Logan yelled out, letting go of Letum and reaching for his mother. She grabbed him quickly, holding him tight. Tears started to stream down all of their faces. The father looked up at Letum.

"Thank you so much for bringing our boy to us... Where are we, sir?" he asked through his tears, confused.

"Mr. Smith, I am afraid you are in the afterlife," Letum said solemnly. The parents both looked at each other, and Letum could see an unspoken bond just flashing through the two. A few moments passed before Mrs. Smith spoke.

"All that matters is that we are together now," Mrs. Smith said, her voice catching on her words. She and Mr. Smith enveloped their son in their arms.

"I think we are ready," Mr. Smith said, his hands rubbing his wife's and his son's back. "Do you mind leading the way?" he asked, glancing up at Letum.

Journal #5

The Horseman of Death is probably the most honorable person to ever exist in this realm.

Letum has been reliable and nothing but kind towards souls as they take their time in purgatory before heading to this realm. I thoroughly enjoy my time with Letum, whenever we have a moment together. He is not selfish, nor power seeking. As the Horseman of Death, he seems to have a greater grasp on how fleeting life is, and how precious this second chance is for them, and perhaps, for him.

If I had been in the Prince's shoes, I could not have chosen a better candidate for Death. The Prince told me about Letum's life, before he made his choice. I have to admit I was skeptical, hearing how awful he had been as a mortal.

However, no one really knows much about my past. The Prince had not figured out how to commune with the mortal world during my life there. Maybe I will leave a legacy behind that provides the mere answers people might at some point search for.

It is beyond amazing to me, to think about how long I have simply existed. My time in both realms has been satisfying, to say the least. I am content with where I am now.

But I am alone. Much like the Prince, we both suffer that ailment. Someday, hopefully soon, that will change. Maybe even for both of us. I would like to see the Prince happy, surely I would. My writings may dissuade someone to think that I only want the best for the Prince.

He just needs to figure out what that would be, for himself.


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