Chapter 15

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"Me?" Adelaide's eyes widened, and her mouth opened a little in surprise. She did not know how to react to this development. "You watched me do what?"

"Grow up," he answered simply, as if stating a fact. She guessed it was to him.

Standing up, she stared at him. "You watched me grow up? From what, from birth?"

"Yes," he answered again in that matter of fact tone, and it was starting to piss Adelaide off.

"Beelzebub, that was a complete violation of my privacy!" She started pacing, not knowing what else to do. "I can't believe you watched me grow up. It's like I had a stalker my entire life, and I had no idea!"

He shifted on the log, but remained seated. "I don't know if I would call it stalking, necessarily."

Adelaide stopped pacing, fury in her eyes as she met his gaze. "You watched me grow up," she paused, using her hands now to speak, stretching them from one spot to her left, one hand outstretched, the other outstretched to her right, "you watched me my entire life. Like it was a TV show for you, right?"

He had known this news was not going to go over swimmingly, but he was surprised to see this level of anger from her. The only time he had seen that during the watching was when she found out about her diagnosis. He did not know she was capable of this level towards another human being. "You didn't react this way when I said I had watched Joan and Ares," he said simply.

That tone was driving her nuts, and it was definitely not helping her feelings toward him at this moment. "That was before I found out you watched me!"

Beelzebub's brow furrowed as he stood, his face the picture of puzzlement. "I don't understand - so it is okay if I am watching someone, as long as the person isn't you?"

"Yes!" her voice escalated, causing Beelzebub to flinch a little in response, but she did not care. She had almost felt sorry for him when he was talking about how lonely he was, watching people just to feel like he had a family, but finding out he had watched her entire life unfold before his very eyes, it made her feel violated. Betrayed. "Do you really not realize how strange of a thing that is to do, Beelzebub?" she asked, her voice getting softer as she tried to make him understand her feelings without getting out of hand.

"Adelaide... when you have been around for as long as I have, the things that seem strange to me are vastly different than the things that seem strange to you. For me, I got to know you as you grew up, and experienced life with you. I share your memories and your passions as I watch, often with Cerberus by my side. I took such comfort in watching you this time because..." he trailed, looking away. He couldn't finish what he had started saying, it was too much for him to discuss. The hole famine had left was a large one, just as he knew it would be for any of his other horsemen, or for the woman standing in front of him. His oldest friend had left him.

"Because what, Beelzebub?" she demanded, her hands on her hips as she stood in front of him. "What makes what you did okay?"

He simply shook his head in response, mumbling. "Nothing."

Adelaide huffed, her eyes full of sadness, trying to understand him but he was not giving her anything to get her to understand. She got that he was lonely and that he wanted some sort of companionship, but watching someone else live their life rather than living yours was not companionship. It was simply loneliness. Softening, she reached a hand out, placing it on his shoulder gently, her other hand dropping from her waist. "You can talk to me, you know," she said, offering an olive branch. She was never someone to stay mad or hold grudges, so if he wanted to communicate and try, she could see about forgiving him.

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