Chapter 6: Some explaining later

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I explain everything from my silly prank to Scar's death. Skizz and Ren sit quietly, only nodding occasionally and showing emotion when necessary. I started crying at one point, but they quickly comforted me. They helped me feel safe and stable even when I talk about such a traumatizing thing as watching your friend die and feeling like it's your fault. After I finish explaining, they stay still for a while. Skizz leans in to give me another hug. Then, a whisper escapes Ren's lips. 


Suddenly, somebody knocks on the door. 

"Hello? Renchantin'? Are you open?" 

Renchanting? He took the name I suggested in the mines! The person on the other side of the door sounds vaguely Scottish, so I assume it must be Scott. Ren stands up, and Skizz helps me out of bed to quickly get cleaned up. Ren goes to the door. In strides, Scott, looking fabulous as ever. I go to shake his hand. 

"Welcome to Renchantin, Scott! Don't be a dog, be a God!" 

Scott shakes my hand gingerly, then looks me over. He looks at my messy clothes, then at Skizz making the bed behind me, then over to Ren, then back at me and raises his eyebrow. 

"Bad time?" 

I falter. What is Scott implying? 

"Wha- uh no! We were just… " 

Ren notices me struggling and leads Scott to the enchanter to begin his sales pitch. After brushing my hair and washing my face, I join them. 

"The deal here is you can enchant as much as you want! For the small price of whatever we deem enough and are willing to give us."

Scott nods. Scott is the kind of man to pull off any look. He could be wearing the ugliest outfit, and his posture and attitude would be enough to make him beautiful. Today, though, his clothes match his elegance. He wears a jean jacket with poppy embroidery over a white and red striped t-shirt. His light Jean pants and white sneakers are simple but fashionable, and he has a scrappy poppy crown accenting his well-kept turquoise hair. I imagine his husband, James, made that for him. Scott finishes up enchanting his well-shined iron armour and starts putting it back on. 

"Thank you, Ren. I'll text Jimmy now to get you your payment."

He pulls his turquoise tablet out of his bag to text his husband. But, as if on cue, Jimmy walks through the door. 

"Scott, are you gettin' enchantments without me?" 

"No, no, Jimmy. I just made a deal so you could get enchanted, poppy! But I was just about to text you to get some leather! So shoo! Get!" 

Scott waves his hands, telling Jimmy to leave. He shoos him out of the shop. They yell at each other for a bit until Jimmy finally relents. He pecks Scott on the cheek, then turns back to get the payment from their base. I am curious to know how these two do it. How can they be brave enough to love in a death match? The thought of loving someone, knowing you will eventually lose them, seems insane. I look over to Ren, who moved to stand right next to me. Yeah, love in a death match, what a dangerous idea.

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