Chapter 8: Oh Scar....

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I have no idea how long we just sat there, chatting, telling jokes and enjoying each other's company, but it was a wonderful long time. When we finally decided to head inside the sun was nearly about to kiss the horizon. This day flew by so quickly. My heart fills with a warm joy walking next to Ren. He reaches to open the door but before he can the sound of voices stops us. Just over the hill comes Scar and Grian. Scar is joyful as ever talking Grian”s ear off as Grian nods politely. Grian looks exhausted with the heaviest eyebags I've ever seen. He reminds me of a tired complacent parent. 

“Why hello there, fine gentlemen! Could I interest you in a good deal?”

Immediately, Scar switches to his sales pitch voice, playing innocent and pretending he just happened to stumble upon us. Ren and I look at each other, then look back at Mr. Goodman. 

“Well, go on, then.”

His face lights up and he ruffles through his satchel, pulling out a stack of white cards. Grian’s exhausted look of surrender implies that Scar has been at this all day. 

“Have you ever thought “If only I had allies who would protect me and back me up. “? Well have I got a deal for you! Introducing Scar's reputation tickets!”

He unfurls the stack of cards leaning on a post to be able to use both of his hands. His cane holds nicely in his armpit. The now spread out cards reveal different percentages ranging from 10% to 80%. 

“All you do is trade an item or service of value to me for the corresponding reputation card. The higher your reputation, the better allies we are!”

After finishing his pitch, Scar smiles expectantly, waiting for us to respond. Maybe he was expecting applause, or an immediate offer of items. But when we don't respond Scar's eye twitches and his hands grip the cards tighter. Nevertheless, he continues to smile widely. 

“Any… Takers?”

Ren and I just blink at him. But then it clicks. 

“Ohhh were you expecting us to fall for your scam??” “Dude” “Nice try.” “That was so obviously a scam.” “We weren't born yesterday.”

Then all falls silent again. A giggle builds into a chuckle, then Grian just loses it, laughing and rolling and wheezing. He leans on his knees and tries to breathe through his laughter. 

“You… just got…. DENIED Scar!”

Scar smiles sadly, clearly holding back annoyance. He puts his cards back in his satchel and leans on his heart topped cane. Grian grabs his hand. 

“Come along, Scar. Try again tomorrow.”

He leads them away down the hill. Just before they leave earshot I hear Scar mumble, 

“That usually works…”

I look at Ren and we burst out laughing. What an encounter! Well this has been an eventful day. But now…. It's time to sleep. 

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