Finding its Partner

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It didn't stop. Gun sounds can be heard through the room and screams of the people as well as blood splattering and bones crushing. The laughter of a childish voice can be heard, as I watched the scene through the reflection of the glasses on the shelf.

It was horrifying.

Sara beside me looked insane, her mouth still covered by Kurt's hand. I saw him breathing a bit heavily, thinking of a way out but there was none. It is all close.

"What is going on..." I heard Sara sob quietly. I knew that she wanted to burst out crying but she couldn't.

Once one of us tried to get out of this hidden spot under the countertop, we would all die. 

"We all don't know, Sara. But we have to stay hidden until everything feels fine." I tried to calm her down with a reassuring smile but we both damn well that everything is not fine.

Not even a single bit.

Kurt retracted his hand against her mouth slowly, then rubbed her back soothingly. Kurt is scared as well, and yet trying to calm himself down for him to think rationally and not make stupid mistakes. "All we have to do is stay here. I agree to Veronne's words." Sara then nodded and hugged herself.

Suddenly, after that, it feels like an hour. Everything went quiet. No screams. No people running around the huge room. Slowly my head turned to Kurt my eyes telling him if we should take a peek. His eyes caught mine and nodded.




The both of us slowly looked up from the edge of the countertop. My eyes gouged out from the scene. All dead people in every corner of the room and in front of us, the blood on the floors that it looks like there is a fucking tsunami that just occurred. The blood is against the walls like paint being splattered and left to get done later.

"Fucking hell..." Kurt muttered in disbelief and slowly stood up. My head snapped to him to pull him down but a childish gasp can be heard.

The motherfucker is still here.

"Oh, ~ a survivor? Or is it plural?" The pink teddy said in a mocking tone and feigned disbelief that there were still survivors. What a plastic bitch.

Kurt glared at the bear, his eyes digging through the screen, and the teddy squeaked with a fake terrified tone. "Don't glare at me like that. You're creeping me out, Kurt~" It whined like a baby and his eyes snapped.

"How the fuck did you know my name?!" Kurt yelled at the bear with a feared and disbelief expression but the pink teddy only tilted its head and twirled around and did a peace sign at his ending performance. "I do know everything about you~" The bear taunted then the bear sighed. 

"You all can come out now. The test is already done, and it is time to start the real game."

Those words caused Sara to stand up and curse at the bear pointing fingers at the creature.

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