The First Round🔞

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We were waiting for DJ and Frost to be done while Sara and Kurt were talking but I couldn't hear anything since they were a bit away from us.

The time ticking.

I noticed William staring at me intensely as I looked at him but he turned away like nothing happened. I raised a brow in confusion and squeezed his hand gently, giving him comfort. His eyes widened a bit and he turned to look at me once again. I can't read his expressions due to his stoic face, I can't tell if he is scared or just chill.

"Thank you..." He barely whispered. I can feel my lips twitch into a smile as I give him a small nod. "You are welcome," I said softly.

Dain was listening to my conversation with William and decided to join the conversation. His gaze on me is with concern and worry.

"Veronne... Are you really okay about everything?" He asked and Willian as well for me turned our attention to him, my eyes in confusion. "About what?" I asked innocently making Dain sigh.

"I am talking about the threesome, Veronne..." I can see his face blushing a little bit and his voice stuttering. His hand against mine is trembling a bit in concern and anticipation.

"Oh..." I murmured then shook my head, giving him a reassuring smile. "It's fine, after all, we can't do anything but play the bear's game. But I could say that it is not exciting..." I added with a sigh.

William squeezed my hand comfortingly and gave me a nod with his stoic face telling me that we can do it. "I promise to be gentle, Veronne." My face flushed at his words. The fuck, he is so blunt.

Dain butted in with a cheery smile. "Me too, Veronne!" I can feel my face heated even more. Are they trying to comfort me or make me more nervous? But being gentle... Can we even cum until 30 seconds?

I knew there was no time to be gentle. But I gave them a sweet smile, appreciating their efforts in trying to make me feel good even if it didn't work.

The teddy who was watching everyone smirked once again, he had a plan. A plan that we'll ruin the bits of lighthearted moments.

"It's kind of boring right?" Our attention diverted to the bear, our faces in fear and disgust. I started at the creature with anticipation, ready to play with its game.

The creature snapped its paws as it disappeared from the screen. We all blinked in confusion. Is this bear playing with us?

But then, the televisions turned on once again but this time it wasn't the teddy who showed up. The scene that I am looking at right now made my stomach churn in horror and disgust.

Everyone in the room is now looking at DJ and Frost, naked. The two of them are touching each other's body. This fucking monster is evil!

Frost's hand trailed down DJ's chest to his cock and stroke it faster and harder, not letting DJ be ready causing his body to tense up in surprise and pleasure. I can hear his groans of pleasure on the Televisions echoing around the room.

"Fuck... Yes, just like that... Ah~" He growled with need and bliss, his body leaned on the bed and Sara smirked deviously, and without a warning, she stopped her ministrations causing DJ to hiss in frustration.

"What is wrong with you, Frost? Do you want us to die?" He growled, but Sara rolled her eyes. "I am not yet starting." She talked back then positioned herself, her wet pussy on his face. The eyes of DJ staring at her core just made him drool in satisfaction and appreciation.

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