Friendship Over To Us 🔞

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Once my white polo shirt was down. White lacy bra was now revealed. Dain let out a soft gasp when he saw it and I could see his cheeks starting to get red. He was shaking a bit, and I know he was about to have an anxiety attack but hopefully not. Not today. Because we'll all die if he did.

My head turned to gauge William's reaction, but as I expected. He is minding his own business slowly stripping off his clothes. His chest in all his glory, and his abs. Every little movement he makes, it shows that he workout pretty damn serious.

"You look sexy without your clothes on." My eyes widened at my words. Fuck! Why did I say that out loud. This is why I hate myself sometimes. I speak without thinking. Now, he thinks I'm a pervert.

William looked at me and finally noticed I'm half bare. He stared at my chest a bit longer then met my eyes. "You're not half bad. Small but I know it's squeezable."

Half bad? Small?

I stared at him in surprise but all he did was shrug and head to the bed. My eyes then snap back in reality. Oh right! We're here to make us three cum. Ugh, hot bodies always distract me.

With that, I quickly take off my remaining clothes, now I am fully naked in front of them. I turned from behind seeing Dain who was hesitating. This man needs some force.

"Do you want us to die?"

Those words of mine made him quickly shed his annoying clothes. My eyes roaming around his form. His body is not built, he is a bit skinny but he has some muscles.

"S-sorry... This is my first time..." He shakingly confessed, blushing hard.

"Sorry about that. But we have to do it whether you liked it or not. Because to be honest, I don't like this as well."

"Eek! Okay! Okay!" He let out a squeal while bowing, saying a lot of apologies. I rolled my eyes, this man is getting annoying now that we're in a dangerous situation.

We three are now on the bed. William is staring at me. The fuck? Is he waiting for my command? What is he a puppy? His face is still nonchalant though.

"Did you know that we already have 20 seconds left."

"Holy shit!" I gasped, staring at the time. William was right.

I then quickly grab the two near me as I spread my legs for them to have access to touch me.

"Give me your bananas, kiddos!" I yelled in distress, my hands holding their cocks as I could hear Dain letting out a soft pleasurable moan.

William shivered a bit but he kept staring at me as always as I felt his hand slowly going up towards my dry core. These two have to try to make me wet.

"I'm 26 years old..." William whispered.

Little did we know that before this, the remaining survivors were screaming for us to start. We can't hear them obviously. I hope they will enjoy the show.

"Seriously, why are they not doing the business right away?! Do they wanna die?" Dj groaned in frustration and worry, his hand scratching his hair in distress. Frost sighed, shaking her head.

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