Blossom Blue (Part 14)

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Yn spent her last 2 years of University with her friends.
She made only few friends here at Japan but they were enough for her.

Now after 2 years she is finally graduated with her friends and now going to Seoul with Aria. Justin and Mark returned to USA from where they came.

But in these 2 years she missed him she missed jimin very much. She had one photo of her and his she carry it everywhere she go. She spent these 2 years only by the help of that picture and only she knows how much she had cried looking at that picture.

Today finally she is going back to Seoul bit still afraid that how will she face him? It will only hurt her more if she will see him with his new girlfriend momo.

You and Aria went to the airport for your flight.

After the flight landed at Seoul you both can out of the flight.

You took a deep breath and smiled.

Aria- we are finally here Yn that too with a job at best company of Seoul.

She said and wrapped you under her embrace.

Yn- yeah I am very happy.

You said hugged her.

Aria- oo now let's go??

Yn- yes.

You both went to the restaurant where you called Hoseok and ordered some food for all of you.

You and Aria were talking and it's been 1/2 hour and hoseok still isn't here so you decided to call him.
You dialed his number but he cut your call.

Hoseok- heyyy yn Aria I am here.

He was already there.

Yn- oppa I missed you.

Hoseok- I missed you more sweetie.

He saud and you and Aria hugged him.

Aria- anneyonghaseyo oppa.

She said and bowed.

Hoseok- anneyonghaseyo Aria.

He too said and bowed.

Hoseok- Yn you ordered something?

He said while sitting on the chair.

Yn- yeah i orde-

Waiter interrupted.

Waiter- your order Madam.

He said and put the plates on the table and left.

Hoseok- Ok then let's go.

He said while taking a bite of a donut.

You all ate the dinner and you and hoseok went to your house while hoseok dropped aria at her house.

--At you house--

You were sitting in front of the window of your room while looking outside at the moon holding jimin's photo.

I miss you jiminah....

You said and tears rolled down through your eyes.

After sitting there for few minutes you went to sleep as you had to go for your new job tomorrow.

--at morning--

You woke up turned off your alarm and went to the bathroom to get ready.

After getting ready you went downstairs where you saw aria sitting on the couch.

Yn- heyy sweetie good morning.

Aria- good morning Yn.

Yn- when you came? And why you didn't told me that you will come here?

Aria- firstly I just came a few minutes ago and secondly I didn't told you earlier because I wanted to surprise you.

Hoseok came out of the kitchen with breakfast for you and Aria.

Hoseok- have a nice day girls.

Aria and yn- good morning oppa.

Hoseok- good morning. Hey yn don't forget to grab your keys I will not be at home when you will come.

Yn- what? But where will you go??

Hoseok- idiot. I have a job too you again forgot.

Yn- yeah sorry.

Hoseok- it's ok. Yeah you both leave after eating your breakfast and I am going to get ready.

Yn and Aria- bye oppa.

Hoseok- bye.

You and Aria ate your breakfast and then left.

You reached the company and saw the name which was written in big letter.


You said and smiled.

You and Aria went inside the company.

Aria- woahh.

She said after watching that big company with white marble neat and clean.

Yn- Aria it's amazing....

You exclaimed.

You and Aria did all the formalities and went upstairs for the meeting you had.

Yn- may I come in?

You asked.

CEO- yes.

You went inside with Aria.

Yn and Aria- good morning sir.

CEO- good morning have a seat.

He saud and you sat beside Aria.

CEO-  Now I think everyone is here. So without wasting the time I am starting this meeting.

Everyone- yes sir.

CEO- so first of all welcome to our company.

He said as everyone sitting there were new employees who joined the company today.

Everyone- thank you sir.

CEO- so our company is going to make two projects I will make 2 teams for that according to your qualifications. First will be junior team who will do the easy project and the other senior team will do the difficult project.

Everyone- yes sir.

CEO- I will make the teams and after the decision of the team I will call the leaders for both teams.

You and Aria got the same (senior) team as you both were graduated from the best University of Japan.
CEO added some other team members in your team who were graduated from the best University of Korea where you used to go. And rest of the employees were grouped as junior team.

CEO- so as I had told you I will call the leader for both teams after deciding the team members. So first the leader for junior group.
Mr. Jeon come in.

What? Mr jeon? Is that jeon jungkook? No I am idiot there are many people with same surname..

You thought.

He entered the room.


You thought and widened your eyes.

Jungkook- good morning sir.

CEO- good morning Mr jeon.

He looked at your surprised face but just smiled and wasn't shocked at all.
As he knew that you got job here as  he was already working there since 1 month. But he didn't told you because he wanted to surprise you.

CEO- so junior team he is your leader Mr jeon jungkook. And yeah jungkook as you told me that you want eun chae as your personal secretary I am allowing you she can join from tomorrow.

He said and jungkook smiled.

What? My bestie too?

You thought and smiled.

CEO- Ok so now its time to call the leader for senior team.


To be continued.........

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