Chapter 26: All is one, One is All

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for Isabella.

Isabella's POV

Ah, Yock Island. Nothing has changed after all these years, and the four of us are a little happy when Teacher sent us here to so-called 'cool our heads'. But what the heck, I didn't care about it. "This is a joke. What does she mean, 'cool our heads'? I hope she doesn't think we're going to have any trouble surviving here now." Ed said to the two of us.

"She even forbade us from using alchemy. It's just like last time, isn't it?" I asked him. "Yeah, really, I mean, what's the point of doing this again? Does Teacher think we haven't grown up at all?" Ed asked. "Oh, I don't know, I'm sure she has her reasons..." I said to him as we looked back.

Winry's POV

The three are slipping away from us. "No, wait! Go back! Edward! Alphonse! Isabella!" I called out. Sig grabbed me. "Don't move around, girl. You'll get wet." Sig said to me. "Okay!" I squeaked as I sat down. "But what do you want them to do?" I asked them.

"I don't want them to do anything." Izumi said to me. "That's right." Sig said to me as well. "What's right?! You left them on an uninhabited island, without any previsions, and what do you mean you don't want them to do anything?!" Mark asked her. "I mean just that." Izumi said to him. "Right." Sig said as I stood up.

"You know, we just don't think we understand you people at all!"  I shouted at them. "It's okay to do nothing." Izumi said to us. "Huh?" I questioned her.  "It's alright to just stop and think things over for a while. Those three need some time to do that right now." Izumi said to him as the two of us are taken aback at what she just said.

"Humankind cannot gain anything, without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. In those days, we really believed that to be the world's one, and only truth."

{Opening song}

*Undo/ Cool Joke*

"All is One, One is All"

Isabella's POV

The three of us walked around until we left footprints. 'Yep, nothing has changed.' I thought to myself when Ed stopped in his tracks." Guys." Ed called to us. "Hmm?" I hummed at him. "Let's escape." Ed said to us with a smirk on his face as we freaked out. "That's impossible! I can't swim!" Al said to him all scared.

"Same goes for me! But not here!" I said to him all scared as well. "Come to think of it, neither can I." Ed said, as he continued until he stopped, and we stopped as well. "Yeah, we're different from back then. We're smarter." Ed said to us. "Yeah, no kidding." I said to him.

*Flashback Begins*

The three of us laughed as we played with the water while we were on the boat with Teacher, and the man rowing it. "This is fun, isn't it, brother?" Al said to his brother. "You bet. It has been a long time since we went on a vacation together, huh, Al?" Ed asked him when Teacher saw what was going on. "A vacation?" Teacher questioned them. "Good one!" The man said as he laughed, and the three of us were a little stunned by this. We arrived at the island, and the three of us were a little surprised by this.

"Here, take this." Teacher said when she tossed Ed something, and he saw what it was. "A knife?" I questioned about the knife. "This is an uninhabited island. There's no electricity, no wells, no house to protect you from the rain. As for wild animals, there probably aren't any." Teacher said to us as we became stunned by this. "You three have to survive on this island, all by yourselves, for one full month, all right?" Teacher said to us as we looked confused by this.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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